
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 18, 2011

Malaysian dinosaurs


That’s what Star group editor Wong Chun Wai called Ibrahim Ali in his latest column article titled
Talk less, listen harder, where he wrote (as advice to BN leaders out of touch with their constituencies):

“We are not interested in 100-storey buildings, stupid political quarrels, whether wives should be obedient to their husbands in bed or racist tirades from political dinosaurs like Ibrahim Ali of Perkasa.”

Though Wong referred specifically to Ibrahim Ali as the dinosaur, he was actually including most BN leaders ... mind you, not that he would make that accusation/advice too obvious.

This is particular true for MCA and Gerakan leaders who had the brazen cheek to taunt PAS and DAP for the recent Kedah ban on entertainment outlets during Ramadan, when in fact they have been the very ones who in 1997 supported UMNO in passing that piece of legislation restricting jollying during the holy month - see The Malaysian Insider's
PAS: MCA, Gerakan approved nightspot ban in 1997.

In today's information-rich world, political hypocrites and liars like some MCA and Gerakan leaders are so dinosaur-ish, and thus deserving of their eventual extinction.

Kedah Menteri Besar Azizan Abdul Razak is another one. Though the brouhaha he unnecessarily caused has now been resolved, thanks to PAS national leadership, he is known for his outdated approach which would be better placed in the fringe areas of the remote regions of the Pakistani northwest.

Another PAS dinosaur is Dr Hasan in Selangor. He remains potentially a dangerous loose cannon.

Wannabe-Melayu Dr Ridhuan Tee should also be confined to Jurassic Park.

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