
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 14, 2013

DAP slams Kedah gov't over CNY guidelines

DAP has urged Kedah state government to retract its restrictions on public stage performances during Chinese New Year, which includes a ban on female performers.

NONEDAP deputy national publicity secretary Teo Nie Ching (right) slammed the guideline as “ridiculous, unacceptable and unwise” that disregards the cultures of others and discriminates against women.

The Serdang MP reminded the PAS-led state government in a press statement today not to forget that it is able to rule the northern state with the mandate of the people.

“The PAS-led Kedah state government must immediately review and abolish this guideline.”

Teo pointed out that this was not the first time the Pakatan-led Kedah government has found itself in this type of controversy, which has resulted in Pakatan coming under heavy criticism from BN component parties and therefore weakening its chances in the 13th general election, besides distancing the rakyat further from the administration.

The decision of the predominantly PAS-led Kedah government, she stressed, also went against the spirit of PAS’ slogan,‘PAS for All’.

“While Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s slogan of 1Malaysia has proven to be fraudulent and deceitful, the people of Malaysia are starting to question whether PAS is serious and sincere about its slogan of ‘PAS for All’,” Teo said.

“The state government should never underestimate the wisdom of the people. Pakatan was voted in by the rakyat in 2008 due to their frustration and anger over BN rule, similarly the rakyat  can vote Pakatan out during the coming general election due to their disappointment,” she warned.

Meanwhile, MCA today continued to attack DAP over the guidelines, with Gurun state assemblyperson Dr Leong Yong Kong, claiming that DAP was incapable of stopping PAS' penchant for moral policing.

“DAP can only pretend, but it is incapable of stopping PAS from applying its policies.

“DAP has always made sweet promises to deceive the public, and this has finally caused the non-Muslims in Kedah to lose their rights through the PAS Kedah government’s policies,” Leong said.
He pointed out that the restrictions were a direct contradiction to the Kedah government's promise that it would not impose its religious policies on non-Muslims. 

“This ban by the PAS government is a direct attack on the cultural rights, freedom and interests of the Chinese community as entertainment during Chinese New Year is part of our festivities.”
MCA: Many issues since 2008
Leong said there have been many issues that have affected the non-Muslims in Kedah since Pakatan Rakyat was voted in as the state government in 2008. 

For example, he said, the demolition of the sole pig abattoir in the state, enforcement of Jawi wordings on all advertisement billboards, increase of bumiputera housing quota to 70 percent, gender segregation during the previous New Year countdown celebration, directive demanding hawkers to suspend business hours during Muslim prayer times, demolition of a Chinese and a Hindu temple in Sungai Patani and the ban on entertainment outlets from renewing their licences during the month of Ramadan. 

“The implementation of these PAS theocratic policies only go to show that DAP is unable to provide the check-and-balance against PAS.

“While DAP continues to make promises, it is obvious that it does not have the courage to prevent PAS from establishing a theocratic Islamic state,” leong added.
malaysiakini interview loh seng kok 061108 02MCA deputy publicity chief Loh Seng Kok (left) urged DAP office-bearers in Kedah to quit and apologise to the Chinese community.

“With PAS becoming so overzealous that they desire to interfere with Chinese New Year performances, imagine how much freedom the Chinese community stands to lose over their culture, festivals, leisure, lifestyles and religions should Pakatan ever capture Putrajaya.

“PAS totally ignores DAP. In order to seize power, DAP selects the path of depriving Chinese of their rights to allow PAS’ implementation of theocratic religion-based policies to pervade in the Chinese community’s culture and festivals,” he said in a statement today.
Guidelines extended to non-Muslims

The state's health, youth and sports, culture, art, heritage and biotechnology committee chairperson Hamdan Mohamed Khalib had issued the guideline on Jan 9 to Kota Setar district officer Bakar Din, to regulate the stage performances ahead of Chinese New Year on Feb 10 and 11.

The guideline states:

1. Officials and performers must be decently dressed and not in revealing clothes.

2. Only males are allowed to sing or dance; as for females, only secondary school girls are allowed to take part.

3. Singers are encouraged to choose songs with a religious theme or positive element and which do not ‘go overboard’. The lists of performers and songs have to be submitted ahead.

4. Performers can only perform to recorded or karaoke music.

5. The state government has the right to stop the programme immediately if songs or dances ‘go overboard’.

Another state exco member, Tan Chow Kang from PKR who heads the environment, Chinese affairs and transport committee, has expressed his objection, saying that the requirement - applied only to Muslims since 2008 - should not be extended to non-Muslims.

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