
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 14, 2013

Ending the Tyrany of UMNO Rule

I have to repeat this statement again. Some of my liberal minded and failrly educated friends are against UMNO, in theory. They participate enthusiastically in talking about the wrongdoings and incompetence of UMNO. All in theory. When they realized that UMNO can actually lose, they get cold feet.

Thus we still find analyses after analyses offering various scenarios as to how UMNO can be saved. It only requires the removal of Najib and UMNO will be placed on the right track once again. Whereas the singular objective of the opposition parties, the various himpunan rakyat seeks the removal of UMNO from the seat of power. Hence the internal developments of UMNO, whether Najib survives or Muhyidin rises, are of no concern to us. Let them eat cake for once!

So we ask. How is it possible for such people to hold contradicting views? On one side they talk against UMNO. On the other side, they seem to oppose the actual ejection of UMNO?

There can only be one explanation. As long as people think, the objection against UMNO is only an emotional condition, they are comfortable with that notion. Emotions can easily be manipulated and require only words and verbal jousting. The motional faculties are more developed than the rational in most men, so holding contradicting views- one satisfying the emotional comfort zone, the other the rational side, comes naturally even among liberal intellectuals and educated people.

But as soon as reasons are put forward and appear to win arguments, that’s when trouble start. Suddenly, previously held emotional positions are seen to be demolished, because conclusions arrived at trough reasoning are more stable.

So the exposing of all the wrong doings is similar to the principle behind the theory of permanent revolution. People’s consciousness must be continuously sharpened by exposing UMNO’s bigotry, wrongdoings and corruption. We need 100 more deepakgate to be exposed; more RIVgate to be told, more Scorpenegate,more APCgate and more land deals done through trickery by the GLCs and Ministries.

Najib, the embattled UMNO president, the general without the ground troops.

Have anyone noticed the glaring strangeness? How come no UMNO stalwarts, division leaders have come out in support of Najib in facing all that he facing now?

They are all distancing from him because they know their president has a lot of baggage and lots of skeletons in the cupboard waiting to be exorcised. All UMNO members, except some in Pekan maybe, know that Najib is guilty of so many things. Political alignments have already begun.

Najib is going to perish at his own game. He has never been a visionary or a thinker. His vision and thoughts do not extend beyond the edge of his nose. All this while, people should already realize that Najib is a political careerist. His focus is on surviving in the UMNO political game and ensuring he retains the positions he is after.

Take the case of Kelantan. Why hasn’t he applied his vision and thoughts on how to recapture Kelantan from PAS? Because his vision does not extend to that agenda. His agenda and vision is to corral the support of as many UMNO division heads as possible. So that during any UMNO leadership contest, these division leaders will deliver the delegates Najib needs to stay on as UMNO president. As far as recapturing Kelantan- he isn’t interested.

So do the UMNO division leaders in Kelantan. They secretly prefer to be just ketua bahagians so that projects and funds get channeled through them. More importantly, with PAS in control of Kelantan, they can stay relevant and important serving as support channels for Najib.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

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