
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Dubious BN campaign procurement

On June 1st, 2013, about a month after the general election in the midst of fuming UMNO members and bloggers with the management and campaign for the general election.

The Unspinners provoke his readers with a posting on a rumour of campaign fund being swindled involving the War Room, NCT, and UMNO headquarter. [read here].

An anonymous commentator by the name of HAMBA ALLAH YANG PRIHATIN DAN ANTI RASUAH verified and disclosed more details on the alleged swindling by high level people in Dato Najib's circle of trust in the party and also his Prime Minister's Department outfit.

Subsequently, The Unspinners made the comment into a dedicated posting [read here]. Bigdog and Sabahkini published it too. [read here and here.]

Since then, nothing is heard until a document surface yesterday.

An envelope was found in our mail-box and it contain a copy of a document. There is a note that tells us to reveal the document and many more will surface should we be harmed.

For precaution, we will not bother to pick-up unknown numbers. In fact, we never do. Response in the mainstream press, especially Utusan Malaysia. Most UMNO members sure wish to get to the bottom of this. That is the very reason we are revealing it.

And, who cares about civil lawsuit?

The document in the envelope is below:

In this document, Zeal Hitech made a purchase order to Utusan Malaysia to print and deliver 6 million copies of BN Manifesto for the 2013 General Election. The cost is RM6,250,000 - RM6 million for pamphlet at RM1 per copy and RM250,000 for Utusan Malaysia to deliver.

There is ref. no. ZEAL/ADMIN/P-ORDER/2013-0391 dated March 13th, 2013. The signatories of this Purchase Order is Managing Director, Azman Awaluddin and HR Manager, Zaima Hj Yusoff.  

This is puzzling because why would UMNO or BN purchase Manifesto through a third party? Why should UMNO use a third party to give a printing contract to Utusan Printcorp Sd Bhd, a subsidiary of Utusan Malaysia Berhad and in turn, Utusan is owned by UMNO.

If a third party is used, is there additional cost involved and how much did the third party benefit from this "atas angin" business?

Without adding any value, Zeal Hi-Tech would have made money out of nothing.

The reason being, Zeal Hi-Tech is not in the business of printing or publication but IT business. It is not even in the business of services like desktop publishing.

We return back to the anonymous comment, below:
Ini surat saya kepada Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM

Assalammualaikum Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM Saya adalah kakitangan ZEAL HITECH SOLUTION SDN. BHD. Bos saya Azman Awaldin bersama rakan kongsi dia Jacqualine dan seorang lagi rakan mereka telah mendapat kontrak percetakan manifesto BN untuk PRU13 yang lalu.

Tidak ada apa apa yang pelik kalau mana-mana syarikat dapat kontrak secara telus tetapi cuba Tan Sri bayangkan, YAB Dato Sri Perdana Menteri telah bersetuju untuk memberikan kontrak percetakan manifesto BN ini kepada Utusan. Logiknya lah kerana Utusan merupakan UMNO linked company dan PM dengan kemuliaan hatinya nak tolong Utusan sebab Utusan ini bukan untung sangat pun. Tetapi apa yang terjadi, syarikat tempat saya kerja ini di handpicked directly oleh Dato’ Raof dan kuncu-kuncunya seperti Dr. Zuraidi Ishak dan Sdra Nor Azwan Aziz dari Ibu Pejabat UMNO dan menyerahkan kontrak percetakan manifesto BN ini kepada ZEAL HITECH SOLUTION SDN. BHD.

Bukan setakat itu sahaja, Dato Khalid mantan ketua pengarang Utusan Melayu yang sekarang ini merupakan pengarah Kumpulan Komunikasi Nasional atau NCT yang bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya dalam hal ehwal media Perdana Menteri juga telah terlibat sama merencanakan pemberian kontrak ini kepada ZEAL HITECH SOLUTION SDN. BHD. Dan di pejabat PM pula Dato’ Sri Farid Ridwan juga berperanan menyakinkan pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam sandiwara ini. Barang tentu, Utusan akan mempercayai kata-kata mereka ini yang semuanya berada rapat di inner circle PM dan apa yang mereka kata, pastinya pihak UTUSAN mempercayainya sebagai kata-kata PM.

Maka terjadilah sandiwara buku manifesto BN ini.

Saya hanya menyedari perkara ini kerana baru baru ini saya diminta oleh bos saya untuk menyiapkan tutntutan sebanyak hampir RM 90 juta kerana kerja-kerja mencetak manifesto BN untuk PRU13 lalu. Setahu saya, syarikat kami tidak ada lessen percetakan yang diluluskan oleh KDN.

ZEAL HITECH SOLUTION SDN. BHD. menuntut sebanyak RM12.83/naskah x 7 juta naskah yang dicetak.

Sedangkan, apa yang dibayar kepada Utusan hanyalah RM1.17/naskah x 7 juta naskah yang hanya berjumlah tidak sampai pun RM10 juta. Seperkara lagi, berapalah sangat gaji sebagai pengurus atau pengarah bahagian di ibu pejabat UMNO sehinggakan konco-konco Dato’ Raof ini berupaya membeli rumah tunai dan renovate rumah mereka dengan jumlah tiga kali ganda harga rumah berkenaan. Sila dapatkan maklumat mengenai rumah Dr. Ruzaidi Isyak dan Nor Azwan Ali. Apa kah mereka-mereka ini tidak tertakluk dengan perintah pengistiharaan harta.

Soalan saya,

1. Kenapa ZEAL HITECH SOLUTION SDN. BHD mendapat kontrak tersebut tanpa pun ada lesen percetakan seperti yang ditetapkan oleh KDN?

2. Mengapa Utusan tidak dapat kontrak berkenaan secara direct dari UMNO?

3. Siapa sebenarnya di belakang ZEAL HITECH SOLUTION SDN. BHD sehingga berlaku pengkhianatan terhadap Perdana Menteri ke tahap ini?

4. Siapa yang mendapat habuan lebihan RM80 juta itu Ini satu pengkhianatan terhadap YAB Perdana Menteri. Mereka yang sangat-sangat dipercayai sudah menjadi “harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi’.

Ini mesti dihapuskan kerana mereka semua ini adalah gunting dalam lipatan dan musuh dalam selimut. Surat ini dihantar dengan hasrat supaya satu siasatan oleh SPRM dilakukan dan Tan Sri juga mesti melaporkan hal ini kepada YAB PM. Semua penasihat beliau tidak ubah seperti penasihat 25% dalam cerita P. Ramlee yang akhirnya membawa kepada kehancuran dan kemusnahan. Sekian, terima kasih

There are differences in the details between the volume ordered, and price charged by Zeal Hitech to Utusan Malaysia. It is left to MACC to investigate UMNO side.

From what we know, the BN Manifesto was initially conceived by a committee of Phds and Professors headed by Dato Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi some two years ago. It was too long and had 40 pages of deliberations.

Then there is a second round vetting by a group of people and had it slashed to six pages.

Zahid is no more involved. 

National Communication Team (NST) came in to redo it again. It is heard that Dato Dr Jamaluddin Jarjis or JJ came into the picture upon his return from Washington. He had an unofficial role as PM's Director of Operation for the Election..

JJ has presence in UMNO, War Room and NCT, He was also assisting PM to untangle knots.

The commentator revealed names which are likely to be involved in the decisions to order and pay for the BN Manifesto.

There are names like Dato Raof who is UMNO Executive Secretary. He would have been involved in the paper work.

There is Dato Khalid Abdullah who is Chairman of NCT and former Utusan Chief Editor,

We were told by friends in Utusan that he is very miserly with spending and could be the one to negotiate with Utusan to bring the price per copy down from the alleged RM1.17 to RM1.04.

According to the comment, Khalid is involved in dishing out the contract.

Former TV3 CEO during the time of Pak Lah and known to be a kaki ampu of the late Edon, Dato Farid Reduan is responsible to convince those inside the PM Department.

Over the Kuala Besut by-election, the talk among UMNO members was that this former CEO of TV3 was responsible for the merchandising the red, light green, and yellow colored T shirts emulating Royalti Minyak, anti Lynas and Bersih colors with the hope that voters will get confused.

He ordered for millions and the supply told us that he bought it for RM7 per T shirt when it can be bulk puchased for RM5 per shirt.

Farid Redhuan goes around in a Porsche.

We do not know of Azman Awaluddin and his mistress Jacqueline but it seems to be an open secret among fournalist that Azman is one of two former journalists so determine to be instant multi-millionaires.

Another one is in Perak.

It is not wrong to make money but it is wrong to swindle money and over charge. And it is wrong to be in business with an outfit one is working with. It is a conflict of interest.

Azman is heard to be working NCT and helped set it up together Khalid and with recently Tan Sri Osman Razak of War Room and former PM Department's Research. Osman also was the brain to conceive the concept of War Room to direct election.

Who decided to order via Zeal Hitech and agreed to the price?

Is it Osman Razak?

Or Khalid and Azman?

Or JJ who wants to be referred to for all decisions made be it by NCT, or UMNO head office or everyone else?  If you do not entertain him, he will incessantly call you like a psycopath or make sure his man get to you by hook or by crook. 

Or Raof?

He is living quite a lifestyle with rumours of a second wife at the Puteri Condominium behind The Mall across Seri Pacific Hotel, and red Lamborghini parked there.

Bloggers picking on Alies Nor will get nasty call from Raof. Is Alies Nor involved?

Let's not leave out Omar Ong because he talk along the The Mall is that he is not merely known as an Ethos Consultant and former McKinsey but does Western Union money transfer using briefcase to deliver for a off-court settlement.

The money trail is easy and should be a piece of cake for MACC.

Of course, the charging in court is at Tan Sri Gani Patail's personal discretion. Lawyers claim he boasted that there is no clever policeman and MACC investigator. 

It is okay because we are determined to keep whacking till PM pay attention and address all these craps going on to get those dishonest and incompetent people around him fired and behind bars.

UMNO members and Malays are percolating. They have no patience to wait for anymore 11th hour moves.

-Another Brick in the Wall

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