
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ignorance and fear - Umno's last refuge

YOURSAY ‘How come Najib made Tajuddin a deputy minister? Malaysia is going to be a republic? And during Karpal's lifetime so he can become president?'

Karpal will be president if PAS wins, Kuala Besut told

your sayOnyourtoes: Malaysia becomes a republic? Penang CM Lim Guan Eng is chasing away Malays from Penang Island?

DAP chairperson Karpal Singh becomes the nation's president. DAP would amend Article 153 of the federal constitution that deals with the special position of the bumiputera?

We should make police reports on all these - these are all seditious against the royalty and libellous against DAP, Lim and Karpal.

Cantabrigian: I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I read this news about Deputy Agriculture Minister Tajuddin Abdul Rahman.

Just because Kuala Besut is a less developed town does not mean the residents are stupid and gullible.

If the Terengganu sultan himself has shown that he could choose Ahmad Said over Idris Jusoh as the menteri besar after GE12, I don't think the Agong would have any problem in choosing a candidate other than Karpal to be the ‘prime minister' of Malaysia.

And all these could only happen with a really big ‘IF'.

Kee Thuan Chye: How can a man who says such stupid and illogical things be a supreme council member of Umno? And also the deputy agriculture minister?

How come PM Najib Razak made him deputy minister? Malaysia is going to be a republic? And some more, during Karpal's lifetime so he can become president?

And the DAP can amend Article 153 of the federal constitution that deals with the special position of bumiputeras? It's that easy, huh? The DAP can get two-thirds of the MPs in Parliament to vote for the amendment?

Is this man talking about Malaysia or Fantasyland? Or are they one and the same in his and Umno's eyes?

Will the Kuala Besut electorate see through the ridiculous things he is saying and realise that he is playing ‘longkang' politics, and punish Umno for insulting their intelligence?

Faz: It's no coincident that Umnoputra produces this quality of leaders. You reap what you sow. The cabinet posts are basically 'fill-in-the-blank" by the PM since anyone from the pool of Umnoputras is the same.

1Citizen: It is people like this who make Malays and/or Muslims feel ashamed. Can't Umno find less stupid people to be their leaders and spokespersons?

Let MCA or MIC do the talking sometimes. They could make more sense. Please Umno, do not insult our intelligence.

ChaSL: This is another day of shame for Malaysia. This racist bigot is spewing venomous lies just to get attention and stir up racial and religious sentiments.

No opposition in this country has ever talked about presidential system although it may well be a better system, think about those millions that could be saved.

Put a ‘katak' politician who knows no shame here, he will surely treat the rest like ‘kataks'. Let's hope that his venomous lies will back fire on Umno as most voters are smarter that he thinks.

How could he face his own family and friends (if he has any) after spreading lies shamelessly like this is beyond many of us. May God bless Malaysia.

My4Hope: BN has been expert in two things - vote buying and spinning lies. They will keep on adopting such tactics.

Obviously Pakatan Rakyat has to formulate some plans or strategies to effectively and pre-emptively counter such allegations.

For example, the recent issue of child conversion had exposed, disappointingly, that PAS was not even courageous, wise and just enough to express emphatically what's right or wrong. In such matters, they are giving BN the chance to churn the racist swamp.

BT Tan: A better question Kuala Besut voters should ask this deputy agriculture minister is what and how much does he know about the problems faced by the fishermen there; the plantation owners; the bird-nest farmers; the padi planters and all agriculture-related sectors, instead of making wild accusations.

If this is the kind of deputy minister BN has, it's better to vote for Pakatan simply because this Umno leader lied and spread falsehood among the rural people who have not access to alternative news and views.

Dudeno: Blatant baseless lies. This is what they have to resort to? Come on, stop trying to mislead people and insulting their intelligence.

Why is the matter of president and DAP being brought up in the Kuala Besut by-election? Only PAS is contesting and this is for a state assembly seat, for God's sake.

PAS leaders are DAP's puppets? I think if you examine MCA and MIC in the last two decades, then you'll fully grasp what puppet parties are.

Bash: This minister is naughty if he had indeed suggested that. Is he saying that the monarchy will be abolished?
Isn't that seditious, and instilling fear and rumour mongering? Perhaps PDRM (Royal Malaysia Police) should investigate his claim. - Malaysiakini

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