
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

O Najib, wherefore art thou, Najib?

YOURSAY ‘Najib cannot go against the wishes of the hardliners and of his lord-cum-puppeteer Mahathir, or else he will be ejected.'

MP: Absent 'captain' Najib has completely lost his bearings

your sayOdin: Petaling Jaya MP Tony Pua, the problem as you are doubtless aware is that PM Najib Razak is out of his depth, spineless and not beneath making false promises.

He cannot go against the wishes of the hardliners in his party and of his lord-cum-puppeteer Dr Mahathir Mohamad, or else he will be ejected at their forthcoming party election.

He wants to keep his position as PM so that he and his wife can wallow in all that it affords at the expense of most of the ordinary Malaysians, who are being hoodwinked and badly let down.

He has been living in self-delusion as evidenced by, for example, his equating of himself to United States President Barack Obama and his huffing and puffing on the world stage to project an image he has desperately hungered for.

But the latter is a futile act as he has as much substance inside him as a bespoke tailor's dummy does. Indeed, he is nothing much more than such a dummy.

He is now lost - either way he moves, he will lose. He should have known that you can't have your cake and eat it, too.

Swipenter: The last PM was an absent one and a sleepyhead, and the present one is a silent as well as an absent one. Malaysia is on autopilot mode again.

Vijay47: We are in big bad trouble. We have a prime minister who is eternally doing a David Copperfield and we have a deputy prime minister who is a meter-reader. Like I said, big bad trouble.

Onyourtoes: Maybe what Pua said has wider objectives than I can fathom. To me there is no difference between Najib the PM and Umno the party.

The same strategy of good guy and bad guy was acted out since Umno obtained power. The PM would always be the moderate and the fatherly figure for all Malaysians, but Umno is always the jingoistic party first and foremost.

How then can we tell the difference? I suggest we forget about appealing to the Umno leadership. It is after all Umno's ethos and philosophy. It will never change come what may.

Like imperial China, the numerous attempts to reform the country have all ended in complete failure. Umno is feudalistic and dynastic in case we were blurred by its seeming democracy.

We should take our cause directly to the people. We must begin to educate them from now on. It is a more difficult route, but the result would be more fruitful.

Neutral stance: Najib is confused. He wants to reform but worries he will lose support within Umno.

PM, please keep to your principles and with time people will realise you are doing the right thing. With great power comes greater responsibility.

GoodToBeMalaysian: Not so quick, fellas. Don't underestimate Mr Prime Minister. He has the Umno elections to content with.

We all know how precarious the Umno electoral process can be. Whatever his intentions are for keeping mum, I wouldn't call him names for now. He has yet to live up to his potential as PM. Give him the benefit of doubt.

Let's wait till after September and see what's up in his sleeves. It's not easy for any person to maintain silence in the face of onslaughts. It takes discipline and patience to do that if it is a form of strategy.

May be Pua is provoking the PM for his own political play. It's ‘sandiwara' all the same.

Spirit of Malaya: Let's get the facts right first:

First, Najib was given a free hand during GE13 so that he could deliver the promised two-thirds majority and in particular, recapture the prized Selangor.

Second, Najib failed to deliver both. In fact, BN lost in popular votes even though it was still able to govern the nation.

Third, Najib is now fighting for his survival from the expected onslaught by right-wing factions of the Umno camp, including those still very loyal to former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

So, don't be surprised by the present 'see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil' stand taken by him because if he's not careful, he will be check-mated.

Sali Tambap: Najib is a lame duck PM. He has no moral high ground to speak fearlessly without having his conscience telling him that he has as many skeletons in his closet.

He could not push for the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) perhaps because of his own dirty hands.

This PM is on the verge of being pushed out of power and he needs to cling on to whatever little that should help to keep him hanging on. He must be the weakest PM in Malaysian history.

K B Menon: This is what you get when you have a PM carrying so much negative baggage himself.

How can he in all honesty have the moral authority to impose his will on his ministers and other Umno Baru politicians.

We need a PM with guts and a spine to take matters in hand and guide the country in the right direction, not one who is prone to meaningless rhetoric.

CiViC: Huh? Najib? Who's that? PM? What PM? Do we have one? Oh, the one who said ‘Chinese tsunami'. - Malaysiakini

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