
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Time and again, BN unleashes non-Malay bogey

YOURSAY ‘Tajuddin Abdul Rahman played on the fear of the illiterate rural Malays by claiming that Karpal Singh will be the country's ‘president'.'

Karpal will be president if PAS wins, Kuala Besut told

your sayDont Just Talk: How could PM Najib Razak have this bird-brained Deputy Agriculture Minister Tajuddin Abdul Rahman as part of his team under his transformation plan.

Tajuddin played on the fear of the illiterate rural Malays by claiming that DAP chairperson Karpal Singh will be the country's ‘president' should PAS win the Kuala Besut state seat.

Tajuddin, this is only a state by-election and even if it is a parliamentary election, there is no way for Pakatan Rakyat to form the new government when the coalition has 89 MPs out of 222.

It is no wonder that Umno lost in the urban and sub-urban constituencies in GE13 because the voters in these areas are well-informed. BN is playing on the ignorance Malay voters in Kuala Besut, and it is time for them to separate fact from fiction.

Mahashitla: Do the Agong and all the Malay sultans buy this story that Malaysia could be turned into a republic with Karpal as its first president should Pakatan take over Putrajaya?

If not, then I think at least the Terengganu sultan should openly rebuke this deputy minister for trying to mislead the voters by unnecessarily dragging the monarchy into the electoral fray.

Singapore should also politely issue a statement to tell this deputy minister not to drag Singapore's republican system into Umno's rotten politics.

P Dev Anand Pillai: Karpal as ‘president' will be very good for Malaysia. We will finally overcome the racial and religious barrier if we can do this.

But as usual, the peasants and the country hilly billies love this kind of talk and will be tickled by it and thereafter collect some money, goodie bags and T-shirts before going to vote.

The Malays seem to always forget that the MCA is Chinese-based but perhaps they have been brainwashed to accept them as compliant Chinese, but not those in DAP. Come on, dear Malay brethren, wake up!

Appum: If a deputy minister can spew out such ridiculous and stupid statements, someone else can also come out to say that if PAS wins, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang shall be president of Malaysia and invites China's leader to be the great leader of Malaysia and turn this country into a communist state.

Are the voters in Kuala Besut that dumb as the deputy minister assumes them to be. What an insult to the people there. What can Umno show for the people there after 30 over years under Umno-BN?

Caller: Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad was the one big man who went against all the Malay rulers. He even changed the law to remove royal immunity. The sultans were denigrated by Mahathir with solid support from Umno.

When Umno was weak, they claimed they were royal protectors. When they were strong, they were royal destroyers.

Mark Anthony: Doesn't this deputy minister realise Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy? It is impossible to have a president as head of the country.

Mohamad Abdul Malik: Much as I do not condone what this 'six million dollar man' is saying, we must also remember that what he was saying has some partial truth in it.

Did not the opposition say all those things that he alleged; for example, about the Malay civil servants?

Karpal did not say anything about a republic. But does not his many statements over time exhibited some minor degree of hostility towards the Malay rulers and Islam?

I am no BN and Umno supporter but the recent statements made by Pakatan does not help PAS in this or any future elections. We must remember that PAS was the loser in terms of Malay votes in the last GE.

What Tajuddin was saying in Kuala Besut was downright twisting of what was really happening. But it may be music to the ears of Kuala Besut voters.

Anak Kedah: Again the spectre of non-Malays taking over Malaysia is being replayed by Umno. Lacking imagination to debate real issues, they churn out the same rubbish to scare the Malays into submission.

After five decades in government, what has Umno done to promote ‘muhibbah' and ‘bangsa Malaysia'. There is only BTN (Biro Tatanegara), racial quotas and ‘ketuanan Melayu'.

They have taken care of their cronies and families through negotiated tenders. In Malaysia, nepotism and cronyism has become the perceived norm. Meritocracy is hardly seen as a criteria in the appointment of individuals or awarding of contracts.

Only well-connected Malays and non-Malays are seen to have any chance of being awarded anything. Not true? Maybe it is just a matter of perception?

If so, our PM must really do something to change this perception of Umno being just a party for bigots and self-serving opportunists.

Vijay47: Oh dear! This news will really disappoint Lim Kit Siang. What more do the Singhs want?- Malaysiakini

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