
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Can you see how Chinese and Malays think alike? In spite of the numerous comments that Chinese post on the Internet about how smart they are (partly due to Chinese education, Chinese schools, and 5,000 years of Chinese civilisation) compared to the Malays who are very backward (mainly due to their attitude, Islam, and Malaysia’s sub-standard education system), at the end of the day Chinese and Malays have the same mind.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
RPK, there is always a clear line between good and evil. When the decision is good, every right-minded person will support it. When the decision is evil, every right-minded person will condemn it. I don’t have to tell you what is right and wrong.
Lee Heng Soon, Technical University of Madrid
That was what Lee commented today. Now read what Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa said, as reported by The Malaysian Insider:
But IRF chief Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa told The Malaysian Insider that their efforts to support the Church’s right to use “Allah” were an uphill battle, as most Malaysian Muslims had been taught from young only one interpretation of Islam, without making efforts to take part in intellectual discourse.
“The thing is, their ideas are simple. The Malays, they don’t want to think so much. They want a simple answer: halal or haram,” said Farouk.
“They are very orthodox and conventional in their understanding of Islam, they don’t understand the discourse of the 21st century.”
Can you see how Chinese and Malays think alike? In spite of the numerous comments that Chinese post on the Internet about how smart they are (partly due to Chinese education, Chinese schools, and 5,000 years of Chinese civilisation) compared to the Malays who are very backward (mainly due to their attitude, Islam, and Malaysia’s sub-standard education system), at the end of the day Chinese and Malays have the same mind.
And this is why, as Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa said, we are having problems over the issue of Christians using Allah in the Malay or Iban language Bible. The Malays see this merely in the context of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, which is how Lee said we should look at things. There should be no discussion regarding the matter. Is it right or is it wrong?
As Lee argued: there is always a clear line between good and evil. When the decision is good, every right-minded person will support it. When the decision is evil, every right-minded person will condemn it.
Malays actually understand this philosophy very well, just like Lee does. In fact, they even have a doctrine for it — amar makruf, nahi munkar — and a phrase that Lim Guan Eng once quoted as well.
I am not too sure, however, the part that Lee said regarding the clear line between good and evil. I have always said this before: good and evil are relative. Hence if good and evil are relative how can the line be clear?
For example, Lee might consider that a 60-year old man marrying a 13-year old girl is wrong? Why do you say it is wrong? In some societies that is acceptable. According to the Abrahamic faiths that is also acceptable.
It is legal to marry even an 11-year old girl if she already has her period. In England and France as recent as a couple of hundred years ago, boys and girls aged 11, 12 or 13 were married off, especially when the marriage formed part of a treaty or alliance between two countries.
Now, Lee would probably say that this is wrong. How can 11-year old kids get married off? This is not right. Wrong and not right by whose standards? Lee’s standards? Who is Lee to decide on the standards and then expect the whole world to live by his standards?
Okay, you may argue that that was in the past. Today we cannot allow such things because we have laws. And the laws will not allow sex with minors. So we need to follow the law.
Okay, if we must follow civil or man-made laws and reject religious laws (such as those that allow minors to get married) then the law also says that Christians may not use Allah, plus two dozen other words, and Muslims cannot go to church and Christians may not preach Christianity to Muslims and many more. This is the law. Are you saying Christians will now drop all this talk about Allah and follow what the law says?
In one instant you want to follow the law and in another instant you refuse to follow the law. This is getting very confusing.
Lee talks about ‘right-minded person’. He uses right-minded person as the measurement when making decisions. What does he mean by right-minded person? Right-minded person itself is subjective. There is no ‘clear line’, to quote Lee, when it comes to right-minded person.
To some people, those who believe in an unproven ‘God in the sky’ are not right-minded people. Not a single person who believes in this God in the sky is able to prove the existence of this God. Yet they believe in this God. And they argue that you cannot prove this God’s existence but you still need to believe in Him, Her or It because this belief is faith-based and not evidence-based.
Are these people right-minded? Whenever you cannot prove something you call it faith and you close the debate. Does Lee believe in a God? If he does would this make him right-minded? How can Lee be right-minded if he believes in something that cannot be proven?
Okay, let us say that Lee does not believe in God. Let us say that Lee is an atheist. To the billions who do believe in God would Lee be considered right-minded? Theists would probably consider Lee an idiot. He is certainly extremely far from right-minded.
Does Lee believe in gay unions? If he does not, why? Is it because religions forbid gay unions? Is this right-minded? What about the human rights and civil liberties of gays? Does this not count? Lee cannot be right-minded if he is opposed to gay unions, which means he is opposed to human rights and civil liberties.
Let us say, instead, that Lee believes in the human rights and civil liberties of gays and he supports gay unions. Would Lee be considered right-minded when the Bible says it is Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve? Lee must be an idiot to defy God and support gay unions.
Lee probably thought he had made a profound statement when he said, “RPK, there is always a clear line between good and evil. When the decision is good, every right-minded person will support it. When the decision is evil, every right-minded person will condemn it. I don’t have to tell you what is right and wrong.”
The fact remains there is no ‘clear line’ regarding ‘good’ and ‘evil’ — plus what ‘right-minded’ means is very subjective. Those who travel to Iraq, Syria, etc., to join the fight to set up an Islamic State are ‘right-minded’ to many people. This is the duty of all Muslims, these people believe. Who are you to say they are not right-minded? They, too, would probably think you are not right-minded for supporting the right of gays.
And some people would consider those who believe that Jesus is the son of Allah as not being right-minded but bloody lunatics.

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