
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Five things you cannot say about Barisan Nasional – Puthan Perumal

In every country, there are certain areas pertaining to the administration of a ruling government which are out of bounds for comments or ridicule, and hence cannot be subject to mockery or sarcasm.
In Malaysia, the Barisan Nasional (BN) government has, over the years, outlined to the public, directly or indirectly, the key areas which are off-limits and not to be talked about publicly in a condemnation manner.
The purpose of this article is to highlight to the public what are those key areas so that we as citizens of a democratic nation are aware of those areas that cannot be touched upon, so as to ensure that we obey the wishes of the  BN and allow them to continue to carry on administering the country the way it has been administered all these years for the benefit of all Malaysians.
BN has to be given the room and space it needs to ensure that your money is well spent. So give them the latitude to spend your money the way they think fit.
It does not matter if no proper accounts are given. It does not matter if during the budget some millions are allocated to ease your quality of life but you do not see quality service at the end of the day.
At least you have the comfort of knowing that it has gone to someone for his or her betterment of quality of life. That's a small price or sacrifice we have to make as Malaysians.
After all, 57 years is definitely not enough time for BN to come out with a proper financial system beneficial to all Malaysians. Give them some time and don't make an issue out of it. It has only been half a century.
Look at all the third world countries where the gap between the rich and the poor are so wide that it swallows the middle class. Malaysia does not come anywhere close to those countries.
Besides, we are going to be a developed nation in less than six years time. BN has more than enough time to come up with a financial system beneficial for all Malaysians within that period of time. Doesn't matter that they couldn't come up with it in the past 57 years.
Secondly, you know all the natural resources that is found in this beloved rich country we live in, like oil? That is not yours, so that too cannot be a subject of conversation.
So what if there is an act of Parliament that prohibits you and me to know where the proceeds of the sale of our natural resources has gone. That is the government's business, and by extension, government's property so do not interfere.
The government will know what to do with the profits obtained from the sale of our natural resources. If it is meant to be given to certain persons only, then obviously there must be a good and valid reason for it.
After all, BN is our trustee of wealth. They know what they are doing.
Thirdly, the education system. I mean, come on, look at where it has taken us. Why is there a need to condemn the education system. And rightly so, we should not.
We have seen changes in the education system that has resulted in students being able to master all languages. We have seen our universities getting the international accreditations it so deserves.
After all, we have two education ministers. Things can only get better with two education ministers.
So what if none of the ministers want to take the blame for examination paper leaks? Is it their fault?
Of course it is under both the ministers' purview but can you expect two education ministers to ensure some examination papers meant for 12-year-olds to be top secret? It's not an easy task.
Fourthly, the media. Then again, how do you even start to ridicule or condemn the quality of mainstream journalism in the country if no one is going to print or air it, right?
So, to a certain extent, mainstream journalism is better off not being subject to sarcasm because when they print or air news, we should not confuse ourselves by thinking they are giving their opinions of what the news should be.
Very often, we as Malaysians always blame the mainstream media for not giving news from all angles when we ourselves are not sure from what angle the facts should be presented.
If it is presented in one particular way, it must be the truth, isn't it? So, why question and look for alternative sources of news?
Why would you think that BN is attempting to control the media to their advantage when clearly the mainstream media is doing a fabulous job highlighting all the opposition's wrongdoings every day?
The only unfortunate thing that comes out of this is the mainstream forget to highlight all the good that BN has done. A very dedicated and enthusiastic mainstream media.
Fifth, the criminal prosecution system. They say if you are prepared to do the crime, then be prepared to do the time.
This must be the motto of our Attorney-General's Chambers and the investigation agencies under it. Why then is there a need to talk about the criminal prosecution system.
As you are very well aware now, it is made easy nowadays. Even you and I can now prosecute persons if we meet certain criteria.
You must be able to read, just have to follow a script that is given to you and do as you are told without applying your mind. Can't be that hard. The best part, you get paid.
So, as I said earlier, if you have the time, you can do the crime.
Wait a minute, why am I suggesting that the criminal prosecution system is part of BN?
That is so wrong of me. There is no such thing. The Attorney-General's Chambers is totally independent of the executive and the exercise of discretion on their part is in no way biased. Our prosecution system is totally blind, like the Lady of Justice.
Having read the five key areas that we must not talk about or discuss in public in relation to BN, I think it is pretty clear what we as Malaysians have to do.
* Puthan Perumal reads The Malaysian Insider.

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