
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 18, 2015

For Ku Nan’s eyes: Bigots of Bt Beruntung

Is the kiblat a flight path that must be kept clear of all obstruction for miles ahead?
Ku Nan_300By Ravinder Singh
So, finally someone could not stand Perkasa’s bigotry and had to slam them. Hopefully, it is for real.
Yes, Tengku Adnan, one temple won’t change Putrajaya’s population into Hindus. (See: Ku Nan to Perkasa: Don’t preach to Hindus). Similarly, one Gurdwara will not change Bukit Beruntung’s population into Sikhs.
The Sikhs in Bukit Beruntung want to build a Gurdwara on a piece of land that belongs to them and is gazetted for religious purposes. Hardly had they finished putting up a perimeter wall than a banner was found on it to the effect that certain people are protesting against the building of a Sikh place of worship.
The reason for the protest is said to be that it lies in the “kiblat” of a mosque in that area (not next door or even close by), as if the said compass direction is a flight path that must be left clear of all structures for several miles ahead.
Now, when someone wants to create a fuss out of nothing, all kinds of excuses are cooked up. What really are these people up to? Are they working independently or are there hidden hands pulling the strings?
The problem is that when the bigots first started raising their heads, they were let off on the excuse they were defending their religion and it is not wrong to do so. This blessing went to their heads and now they have become so brazen that matters which had never been an issue before are being maliciously turned into issues. Even a non-Malay girl wearing a baju kurung uniform to school is a big issue although some non-Malay girls had been wearing it decades ago.
However, there is one thing that has not yet become an issue and I wonder why? Money – the notes and coins in circulation. These are handled by pork sellers, beef sellers, believers and non believers, thieves and holy men. Yet not a whisper has been heard that there must be a different sets of coins and notes for different people. Even if Bank Negara Malaysia could produce different sets of notes and coins, how would their handling in the marketplace be controlled so that any given set of notes and coins is not soiled by touching anything unholy?
So, could Ku Nan please lash out at all bigots wherever they are.
As Bukit Beruntung is in Selangor, the Menteri Besar should ensure that the building of the Gurdwara is not hindered in any way, by anybody. Officers responsible for the approval of plans and permits could become intimidated by the protest banners. As such, it is hoped the menteri besar will take it upon himself to ensure all assistance is given for the successful construction of this place of worship and the extremism demonstrated in the hanging of the banner(s) is not tolerated as stated in his new year message.
The PM too must walk the talk, which it is high time for him to do, to give meaning to his recent message “I would like to stress that here in Malaysia, we will not accept any religious provocation or any acts which threaten or insult any religion done in the name of freedom of expression. There are limits to freedom.”
Putting up banners protesting the construction of any place of worship on land gazetted for religious purposes is religious provocation, for the Constitution provides freedom of religion, and to practice this, people need places of worship.
Ravinder Singh is an FMT reader

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