
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sedition Act amendments an attack on Malaysians, betrayal by BN, says DAP

Bagan MP Lim Guan Eng today called the Sedition Act amendments a 'historic betrayal' to Malaysians. – The Malaysian Insider filepic, April 9, 2015.Bagan MP Lim Guan Eng today called the Sedition Act amendments a 'historic betrayal' to Malaysians. – The Malaysian Insider filepic, April 9, 2015.DAP has described the proposed amendments to the Sedition Act as a "historic betrayal" by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and an attack against Malaysians; and wants it withdrawn.
Its secretary-general and Bagan MP Lim Guan Eng, in an attack on Najib today, said the party strongly objects and condemns the proposed amendments to the Act, which the prime minister had initially promised to repeal on Malaysia Day four years ago.
He said Najib, who repeated that promise twice in July 2012 and July the following year during an interview with UK broadcaster BBC, chose to dishonour his word and did not even apologise for it.
"Worse, the BN federal government is now trying to accumulate and amass greater and wider oppressive and arbitrary powers with these repugnant amendments.
"By concentrating such powers on the executive, the separation of powers is further undermined by emasculating the supremacy of Parliament and the independence of the judiciary.
"Clearly those who seek to amass such power must be power-crazy, whether it is the Attorney-General, the police, or the home minister," he said in Dewan Rakyat today.
Putrajaya, in a bid to "strengthen" the Sedition Act, on Tuesday tabled a bill to amend the colonial-era law, which included a provision where bail would be denied to those charged under the Act.
However, the government today made some changes to the proposed amendments following heavy criticism, including representative from both BN and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalitions.
One of the changes included the removal of the non-bailable clause, which critics said would give too much power to the police and undermine the country's rule of law.
Lim said Malaysians now knew the true character of the BN parties, and questioned whether the 48% of the electorate, who had supported the coalition in the last general election, had asked themselves if their votes had been worth it.
He also said Malaysians in Sabah and Sarawak would also feel the betrayal if their right to question if BN had failed to adhere to the terms and guaranteed rights for their citizens based on the constitution when the nation was formed in 1963.
Lim said it would give rise to questions of secession rights and if that would be considered seditious as well.
He said the BN government was also practising double standards by adding a new clause on sedition tendency without consulting Sabah and Sarawak.
"After all, Sabahans and Sarawakians may ask why could they not raise such questions when the BN federal government had betrayed their promises that were guaranteed in the 1963 Malaysia Federal Constitution.
"If so, then why is the BN government also not making it a seditious offence for those who fail to abide and adhere to these terms for Sabah and Sarawak, or those who fail to respect the inalienable rights of citizens in East Malaysia?"
The Bagan MP said it was a double standard to regard calls for secession as seditious but not the failure of the government to observe and respect the rights of Sabahans and Sarawakians, which might even be considered a breach of the rights granted to the people of the two states when Malaysia was formed.
He also said there was now two Malaysias; one with a dream that promises justice, freedom, opportunity and equality, as provided in the constitution; and the other a nightmare of injustice, oppression, cronyism and discrimination.
He said that DAP urged Najib and the BN government to return to sanity and called for the Sedition Amendment Bill to be withdrawn, deferred or at least referred to a Parliamentary Select Committee.
"These amendments will only instil fear. Let our children live free, free from fear."

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