
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 9, 2015

UMNO Supreme Council Tak Tahu, Shafie Tak Tahu, Muhyiddin Tak Tahu, Mat Maslan Tak Tahu, Husni Hanadlah Tak Tahu. Momma Bear And Chicken Little Saja Tahu.

Disclaimer : This post also has nothing to do with 'disrupting the functioning of democracy'. This is about the UMNO party ok.
 This is Caitlyn Jenner. Do read on.

This is from the Malaysian Insider :

  • Umno Supreme Council never told of RM2.6 billion, says Shafie Apdal
  • Published: 8 August 2015 7:11 PM
  • Supreme Council was not informed on the matter.
  • donation never brought up in any Supreme Council meetings
  • as long as I have been in Supreme Council, we were never told," 
  • "We were only recently told during Cabinet meeting," said Shafie
  • remarks echo Shahrir who said ..its members (n)ever briefed
  • RM2.6 billion in Najib's accounts first reported by WSJ July 2
  • Najib ..did not address the transfers to his accounts
  • Najib said nothing wrong in him holding political donations in trust for party 
  • Shafie : 1MDB stirred unease among grassroots
  • He called for clear answers and a solution 
  • Shafie, Muhyiddin removed from Cabinet to silence criticism from within 

This is the mystery part :

"Najib said nothing wrong in him holding political donations in trust for party "

I have witnessed this type of situation before. Some crooks managed to convince people to sign over an inheritance to them - for safekeeping they said. Then not long after that the 'safekeepers' sold the inheritance without informing everyone. They only informed their fellow crooks.

So here Najib says that he was holding the RM2.6 billion political donations in trust for the UMNO party.

Here is the catch : the party did not know about this 'holding RM2.6 billion political donations in trust for the party".

Worse, Najib was keeping it safely inside his personal accounts !!

The only reason the party found out is because the Wall Street Journal exposed this fact on July 2, 2015.

If the WSJ had not exposed this "safekeeping, holding in trust" bullshit, the Majlis Tertinggi, the 3 million members and 30 million Malaysians would never know. Only Mama Bear and Chicken Little knew about this.

The fact is the RM2.6 Billion flowed into his personal accounts sometime after the Second World War - a factually correct statement.

Why didnt the safekeeper inform UMNO and all its 3 million supporters (for example through the UMNO party's audited accounts that are presented to the UMNO General Assembly once a year) that he had received the RM2.6 Billion?

Shahrir Samad says he did not know about the RM2.6 Billion.
The UMNO Treasurer Husni Hanadzlah did not know about it. 
The deputy president of UMNO did not know. 
The vice presidents did not know.
Otak Tang Lutut did not know.
 No one else in UMNO knew about it.

Akhir kalam : here is the soalan cepu mas which has still not been answered. 

The accounts have been closed. So where is the balance of the money?

Sekarang itu tembelang sudah pecah. (A tembelang is a rotten egg).

The rotten eggs have all been exposed. They are stinking up the place.

So where is the rest of the money? This money belongs to UMNO. Because the 'safekeeper' said he is holding the money in trust.

So reporters, journalists focus guys, focus :

please call Husni Hanadzlah the Treasurer of UMNO
please ask Shahrir Samad the "I dont know what now" in UMNO
please as Otak Tang Lutut (info chief konon)
please ask the safekeeper himself
please ask 'uglier than Caitlyn Jenner'

where is the remainder of the RM2.6 Billion 'kept in trust' money?

Baki duit pi mana?  Takkan dia belanja semua RM2.6 Billion untuk duit kempen pilihanraya? Mesti ada duit baki yang dia belum belanja? Tapi akaun dah tutup.

But..but..but..this money is being held in trust. For the party. The money belongs to the party.

So please tell the party where is the balance of THEIR money?

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