
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio Also Received Money Stolen From Malaysian Taxpayers

This is from the Huffington Post :

Rainforest Charity Asks Leonardo DiCaprio To Step Down From UN Position

Swiss charity accused actor connected to multi-billion M'sian corruption  

actor's ties to individuals involved in M'sian corruption scandal
DiCaprio “come clean” or step down from UN 'Messenger for Peace'

1MDB funds used to support deforestation
DiCaprio’s credibility as environmentalist in danger

ties to 1MDB surfaced this year in lawsuit filed by U.S. DOJ

1MDB paid bribes tied to deforestation

DiCaprio simply lacks credibility for role Bruno Manser Fund said

July '16  DOJ action to seize US$1b assets bought with 1MDB money

involvement of Najib (Malaysian Official 1 in court documents). 

Riza Aziz, Najib's stepson and founder of Red Granite also named

Red Granite produced 2013’s “Wolf of Wall Street” 

used funds from 1MDB to pay DiCaprio (Hollywood Actor 1)

court documents elaborate DiCaprio relationship with Aziz

DiCaprio received laundered funds for his charity foundation.
has to come clean on Riza Aziz and Jho Low, key figures in 1MDB scandal 

My comments : Even without this stolen money I feel these Hollywood types are not the right people to speak about the environment.

The amount of hairspray,  make up, ointments and other stuff they use to make themselves look presentable is itself enough to poison the trees in the Amazon. 

None of the explosives, pyrotechnics, special effects and stuff they use to make their movies are environemntally friendly at all.

In fact, they should create a new index - The Carbon Footprint of Hollywood Movies. 

How much CO2 is pushed into the environment each time a Hollywood movie is produced.  

These folks can be serious hypocrites.

Many of you Gen Y kids (those below 35 years of age) may not even know of the famous Earth Summit 1992 - the first major environmental summit involving almost all the countries of the world, that was held in Rio De Janeiro in 1992. 

Also known as the Rio Earth Summit 1992. President Bill Clinton was a huge patron of that fake summit.

The main organiser of that Earth Summit was this guy Maurice F Strong.  He was actually appointed the Secretary General of the Conference.

Here is his quick resume :
  • oil and gas trader, James Richardson & Sons, brokerage firm 
  • founder, Ajax Petroleum natural gas company
  • vice president finance Dome Petroleum
  • President of Power Corporation of Canada 
  • Chief Executive Officer of Petro-Canada 
  • CEO Ontario Hydro, one of North America's largest power utilities
  • CEO American Water Development Incorporated
And this was the guy they appointed as Sec Gen of the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992.  To protect their own Western corporate interests and to penalise and pass the costs of their environmental pollution to the Third World. 

They make the profits, the Third World shall bear the costs.    

Folks, I hope you will all wake up.  

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