
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 24, 2017

Instead of poems, Asri should rally in front of Indian embassy

YOURSAY | If you are man enough … you would also want the Umno government to sever all ties with India.
Wira: Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, my advice: apologise and move on. It is undeniable that you have offended the Hindus. Preacher and Indian national Zakir Naik is certainly not a messenger of peace. We know this because we have watched his sermons on YouTube.
Ex-PJ: The typical and commonly used excuse for their own stupidity: I was misquoted.
Hibiscus: Asri, your remarks are viewed by many learned and educated people as hate speech.
Did you represent Islam when you made those remarks? If so, how can Islam be viewed as a religion of peace? If not, you should defend Islam as a religion of peace by saying it is the devil in you that was speaking, not Islam.
Anonymous 2465861491622056: Why are you defending Zakir, who is wanted by the police in India? He is an Indian citizen and he should be responsible and go back and clear his name. The Indian justice system is very independent. Why are you insulting other religions, or even Modi, to defend a wanted man?
Abasir: OK Asri, if all those who have condemned your stupidity and bigotry decide to suspend all sense and take seriously your view that "the Indian government under Modi, a religious fanatic, has led many Muslims and Christians to be killed", are you ‘jantan’ (man) enough (as Nazri would say) to lead a demonstration outside the PM's Office in Putrajaya and the Indian High Commission?
You may demand that the Modi government apologises to all Muslims and stops all actions against your guru, Zakir Naik, failing which you would want the Umno government to sever all ties with India.
I'm sure every Muslim you represent, including all the muftis and ulama PAS, will join you, no? What say you, 'Doktor'?
Anonymous #44199885: Zakir is a wanted man. He is not Malaysian and does not understand our culture. Why should he be given PR status and not the thousands of non-Muslims who live here and contribute to our Malaysian culture and way of life?
On what basis does our government grant protection to a wanted man? Malaysia is not a lawless land. Non-Muslims do not interfere with Islam. We are not the ones who told a church to bring the cross down or seize the bible or protest outside a church.
We are also not behind the disappearance of a certain pastor. But if a certain preacher chooses to insult or parody non-Muslim religious practices and beliefs, then they, the non-Muslims, have the right to respond.
Dalvik: The point is, one shouldn't generalise an individual's action as that of his/her religion. Similarly, I wouldn't generalise an Indian's action as that of Hinduism, or a Saudi's action as that of Islam.
Awang Top: If BN does not do anything with the fugitive and Asri, might as well forget about Indian votes. Calling on all Indians, whether you are MIC or PPP or others, have dignity and vote wisely.
Roger 5201: Race and religion have been overly politicised in this nation, and often seen from one perspective. Fair to all is, after all, relative.
Tholu: Asri, freedom of speech under our constitution also ensures freedom of stupidity, I suppose. So go on exhibiting your stupidity, ignorance and arrogance.
However, it does not protect one who presents his own made-up facts as the truth. Where is your proof that "Just because of the issue of cows the lives of many Muslims have been sacrificed in horrifying and cruel manners”?
It is apparent that you stated this to incite the Muslims into believing that the Hindus are wicked people and you are deliberately stoking the fire of hatred towards them. You are caught in your own web of lies and to defend them you provoke the Muslims with an aim that they will defend your lies and hatred towards another religion. Is this an exemplary trait of a good Muslim, Asri?
R Venugopal: Any person who glorifies himself by condemning another faith, like Hinduism, is doing a great injustice to his own faith. Try to improve the weakness in your own faith and bring glory to it.
Talk about your own self and get rid of the discrimination you pass on to others. Mufti Asri should know better as he is a learned person. Or, is he trying to out shine preacher Zakir by attacking other faith? Islam preaches harmony amongst all faiths, but many do not follow this.
Anticonmen: Asri, a true religious scholar should be able to understand the universality and immanent love nature of the supreme soul first. Lower yourself from your pedestal and change your archaic, childish concept of 'my God is different from your God'.
David Dass: We should think about what it is that we really want. Most Muslims are concerned about truth and justice. Most Muslims are just like most Chinese, Indians and everybody else.
Most Muslims would resent any suggestion that they are racists or bigots or discriminate against those of a different race or a different faith. But everyone should sit up and be alert to what is going on.
Ideas are permeating our society that could potentially tear us apart. Even among Muslims there are different views as to the kind of society we want.
At this moment in time, the majority think and feel the same way and are quite happy for our system to remain the way it is. Of course, improvements are required. But that is an ongoing exercise.
Golfer63: The neglect of Hindraf grouses was one of the reasons the Indian community substantially turned against the government in the GE of 2008. Now, the feelings of the Indian community are again stepped on.
Anonymous_1375701728: Where is the prime minister in all this? Should he not say something to douse the fire? He goes AWOL (absent without leave) whenever there is a crisis/controversy in the nation.
Sanjayd V: Asri, only you will know your intentions (niat)... you will have to deal with it. However, we demand the highest levels of integrity from people who want to be accepted as a religious leaders. You definitely are a misfit.

Alipak: He looks to be an uneducated man of religion, because such men, if genuine, would not speak ill of another religion that predates his.
He is more an Umno politician, than a mufti.- Mkini

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