
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 18, 2017


Where there is evidence of ‘white anting’ of government, then government ought to take the evidence seriously instead of sitting on its hands.
“Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer”. The truth in that old Sicilian expression is reflected in the many infamous and inglorious acts of treachery recorded throughout history. From Julius Ceaser to the removal and eventual execution of Saddam Hussein a onetime close ally of the United States the end came at the hands of trusted friends and aides.
Politics is fragile as it is fluid and impermanent. Nothing remains the same especially friends, allegiances and alliances. Politics it can be said is the art of surviving treachery and betrayal for that ultimate prize of power.
The Malaysian Insight in a recently published article titled ‘Swine and Roses’ alludes to the presence of moles within the inner circle of the prime minister. If it is true then the prime minister is in a whole lot of trouble, much more than he would have thought or imagined.
Betrayal is often more hurtful and effective when it is the result of a perfidious, treacherous act of a trusted party. The warning has been sounding loud for a some time in many circles, not least of which is in the prime minister’s own. The story if not true is at the very least plausible.
There is an old Yiddish proverb that aptly describes the kind of loyalty the prime minister is surrounded by today. It is a lesson in what real loyalty is and what it is not when it is paid for:
“When you have money in your pocket, you are handsome, wise and you sing well too”.
There is a somewhat curious ensemble of courtiers that now surround the prime minister and his team. To a rational person it would spell danger or at the very least urge caution. But it appears that caution has been thrown to the wind. Or is this a subtle sign that the government is indeed throwing in the towel? Criticisms of his new found friends is even more curious as the Malaysian Insight article suggests and it is quite disturbing.
The prime minister is a man of enormous personal integrity and courage. But patience too has its limits. Is the pressure mounted by the opposition wearing down his sense of judgement?
At the steps of parliament house in Canberra on 11 November 1975 a dismissed but defiant Edward Gough Whitlam former prime minister of Australia had this to say of the governor general who had moments earlier sacked him and his government: “Well may we say God save the Queen. But nothing will save the Governor General”.
The Australian Republican movement was born that moment on the steps of the old parliament house. But there was also another lesson that not only Whitlam but all Australians and world leaders learned from that fateful day on 11 November 1975. Like in Julius Ceaser, the betrayal (knife) to be effective came from hands closest to the victim.
The prime minister has his courtiers and ‘advisors’. But are they truly independent and loyal? Are they singing his praises for a fee? Can they be depended on in times of a real crisis to act in his interests?

From the information that is now becoming embarrassingly public, there is more reliance on yes men (and women) than there is on professional advisors and competent media managers in the prime minister’s court. And by any estimate the vast majority of these are said to be mediocre.
In a battle field that the prime minister has been thrust into these are not ‘war consiglieres’. They are but mere sycophants without direction or cause other than to tit for tat slander the opposition. There is no measured thought out strategy. And that spells trouble in capital letters for the prime minister and his government.
It is true to say that the Barisan is not finished and will never be finished as long as UMNO represents the majority Malays. But a decimated Barisan especially the UMNO component of the Barisan will take a very long time to recover by which time a ‘reformist’ government of foreign funded Chinese, Indians and Malay middle classes would have entrenched themselves deeply in the seat of government.
They and their ideas and ideals of ‘democracy’ and ‘secularism’ would have by then trounced and crushed the Malay culture and its institutions in to an unrecognizable heap even Singapore would blush at the sight of.
As the prime minister approaches his adversaries over an election drawing closer, a spring cleaning of his quarters is in order. It is only logical that he re arrange the deck chairs before the ‘titanic hits an iceberg’ which in the current state of affairs it is fast approaching.
He has to begin with his own household where the evidence now points to one of the sources of a leak that has reached not just Dr. Mahathir’s camp but also those feeders of foreign NGO’s who are the most vulnerable. And who might these be if not the acolytes of gender causes, the entry point of many a civil societies Trojan. (see Malaysian Insight ‘Swine and Roses’).
It was not so long ago when the chief of police turned traitor and attempted to stage a coup against the prime minister. He was going to arrest the prime minister, whilst a pretender to the throne waited in a safe house for the outcome of that attempted failed coup attempt ready to take over the job.
Much of the nation was kept in the dark about that incident. It was a move which prevented a trigger from igniting the ‘spring’ Malaysia has fended off for over a decade.  But spring is here.
The choreographed and orchestrated fireworks at the Dr. Mahathir debate in Shah Alam recently is but another cinder in a tinderbox dry political environment more likely to trigger that event that will eventually topple a civil government than it would ‘foster change for the better’.
Government’s failure to rein in the more radical and troublesome elements of the opposition is feeding a frenzy of rumours and instability from it from which the nation so divided will never recover. If not now the symptoms of that destruction and division will manifest itself at some time sooner rather than later.
It is often the things we did not do in time that causes us our greatest losses. People who hope for miracles live in hope. Hope is no panacea for all our ills nor  a substitute for hard work over those things we need to take care of. Hope is no management science nor a political philosophy. It is the prayer of the weak.
– https://takemon.wordpress.com

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