
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, August 21, 2017

The price Umno warlords like Isa has to pay

YOURSAY | ‘Isa is the proverbial millstone round Najib's neck.’
Vijay47: Fallen? I'm not sure about that. In Malaysia, when a favoured son is arrested by the authorities, there would be much song and dance about it only for the issue to slowly, softly die a quiet death.
What, for example, has happened to the Sabah Water Department case and the case of Ops Gobi?
So, until former Felda chief Isa Abdul Samad is actually charged in court, I will not be too impressed with MACC’s sincerity.
Abasir: First off, the political analysts cited in this piece are, as proven time and again, Umno-leaning professors. Their “analysis” is about as objective and indisputable as a comment by CEO Arul Kanda Kandasamy on the shenanigans in 1MDB.
That said, the so-called drive against the corrupt, directed by the one who actively facilitated the abrupt closure of the 1MDB probe, is nothing more than a pre-election public relations ploy to pull cheap batik over the eyes of Felda settlers.
Given that absolutely no one paraded in front of the cameras by MACC (since its purge) has been prosecuted and jailed for corruption, it simply means that the smiling Isa will walk free. Take a bet, anyone?
Anonymous 5: Yes, this is just a charade to appease and hoodwink settlers. Even if charged, he will escape punishment eventually. It's all ‘sandiwara’ for GE14.
Anonymous 2447961480069542: He is the fall guy for the top gun's failure in relation to Felda. So now he will take all the blame when the bloke holding the strings continues to milk the cow.
FellowMalaysian: Who dares to touch Isa, when immediately after being removed from the chairperson post in Felda, he was appointed as Land Public Transportation Commission's (Spad) acting chief?
It is dead wrong to claim that the action taken by MACC to investigate Isa has nothing to do with Prime Minister Najib Razak.
UKM professor Shamsul Amri is either sleeping on the job or is an outright apple-polisher. Shame on you, prof.
Cogito Ergo Sum: Isa is the proverbial millstone round Najib's neck. Getting rid of Isa is one less dead weight to carry into GE14. That is the price warlords have to pay when playing political poker with the big boys in Umno.
When your bluff is called and your chips are down, you get cashed out.
Doc: Isa is being sacrificed at Umno's altar to appease the grumbling and disgruntled Felda settlers for the string of Felda Global Ventures (FGV) mishaps committed by their own Umno leaders.
Since Najib cannot afford to appease these disgruntled Felda settlers by showering them with money like he used to do in the past, Isa is therefore being made the sacrificial lamb.
In spite of being an alleged crook just like his counterparts, I am sure in Umno there is honour among thieves. This MACC arrest, with Isa being paraded in the infamous orange lockup uniform at a court appearance is just a farce to appease the Felda settlers.
Isa's case will not come up till after the general election, and once the GE is over and BN is firmly in back in power, Isa's corruption case will be swept under the rug and he will be let off to spend his days in Umno's pastures of retired politicians
Anonymous #40538199: The first question is why Najib appointed a person whom his party had found to be involved in money politics to head Felda?
The second question is, will Isa be prosecuted and committed as charged?
Anonymous #37634848: As long as MACC does not act on 1MDB perpetrators, it has no credibility in the eyes of the rakyat. Isa's arrest is an excellent advertisement for Najib's Felda voter bank.
After the message sinks in, Isa will slowly be relieved of his guilt and will be allowed to enjoy the harvest.
Anonymous 1595491436431853: How come this man smiles even he is being arrested? Is he so confident that nothing bad will happen or no punishment would be meted to him?
Or he is thinking a good meal is waiting for him after the show and drama?
Clearwater: It's not only the overpayment for the hotels; just take a look at every significant Felda Global Ventures’ acquisition subsequent to their IPO that is not part of their core palm oil business.
Goldee: This case will end up with NFA (no further action) due to insufficient evidence.
The Felda settlers are so naive that they would still love and trust the 'leaders' and vote them into power.
Similarly, like PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said after listening to Arul Kanda explain the 1MDB fiasco, “What can the government do, or for that matter, even if Pakatan Harapan takes over Putrajaya, nothing can be done to resolve it”.
It's like rice having turned into porridge.
RCZ: Did they know? Of course. They and their brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles could have even all stayed in those hotels at one time or other.

Would they resign? Of course not. This is Malaysia. Would this type of corruption be repeated? Of course. This is Malaysia.
Would Isa be charged and jailed? Of course not. This is Malaysia. - Mkini

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