
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 24, 2018

A Toad Look Alike And Village Idiot Level Of Intrigue At The Research Department

"This is the calibre of our top spy agency?"  That is what you will be asking shortly. 

Folks, I have my own spy agency (of sorts). Have been able to uncover some extra info about the weird goings on at the Research Department. 

Long ago I have met the "founders" of the Research Department - the earliest fellows who were involved. Was not impressed at all. Wouldnt know what is good for them or the country even if it fell on their heads.  

At one time they really thought I was a threat to "national security". This was in the 80s, 90s and early 2000.  Isnt that a joke?  Me a threat to national security !!

So now I do wish to claim some bragging rights.

In 2006 I predicted exactly and correctly that the Islamic countries are doomed. Not only has that come true, it is going to get worse.  Sadly, Malaysia is now getting closer to that list.

I have said many times before that the internal security apparatus in this country (the MKN, Research Department, Police) were themselves a threat to the national security of this country. Once again I have been proven right.  A former IGP is now on the No Fly list. And the latest is this scandal with the Research Department.

The "service" entrance to the MKN (Majlis Keselamatan Negara - part of the security outfit) was through an ugly backdoor all the way behind the PM's office. Yup I have been through that door once.  There was a completely burnt out hull of a car sitting there in a far corner of the compound.  It had been burnt somewhere else. What happened to the occupants? A completely burnt out car!  Behind the PM's Office?

Years ago, I have been in the Office of the Head of Special Branch as well, in that tower at Bukit Aman.  The Head of Special Branch is the "Holy of Holies". More "power" than the IGP's office. The Head of Special Branch reports direct to the PM for the security briefings.  Someone waived all the security checks and there is no record (like signing in, tunjuk IC, take a security pass etc)  of my visit.   Inside his room there was a smaller room in the corner - securely locked. I thought of asking "Dato, boleh pinjam kunci 15 minit"?  Didnt happen though.

Another time, I (and a few others) were invited to a Hari Raya Open House of another of these 'intelligence' outfits. D something division. Also on that Bukit. When we walked in they all stood up and gave us a standing ovation !! I was a bit embarrassed.  Adalah sikit-sikit tolong sama tolong.    Then some of them took our pictures. Alamak ! A bit scary.  Kena update file kut Dato?

I am just digressing lah.  As I said earlier in reply to a comment, I have always been somewhere in the background.  Busybody mamak poking his nose here and there. Always, always for the good of the nation.  Actually there is no such thing as a nation. There are only people. Human beings. There is a country - the land, the hills, the rivers, jungles, the animals. And the people. Remember this folks - PEOPLE FIRST.  HUMAN BEINGS COME FIRST.  That will be you and me.

Hang punya falsafah, pegangan, anutan, ikutan, agama semua boleh letak belakang PMO - sebelah kereta hangus terbakar tadi.  Even better, put it in a place where the sun does not shine. 

Ok folks, here is a picture of the Head of the Research Department, our spy agency.

Maybe she was the victim of some witchcraft at an early age.

Here is something about her from Wikipedia as well:

Complicitous treason?? Wow! Who could 
have written such big words?

A couple of days back, after the Head of the Research Department went on "garden leave" I received this weird graphic.  This is a fake ok. This is fake news. Ambassador Dennis Ignatius never said this. I know because he told me so himself.

But do  read it carefully :

There is another version to this story. 
Lets call it a theory ok.  

Najib did not call the IGP and the Army Chief. Instead Najib had given written instructions to declare a state of Emergency - under certain circumstances - under the NSC Act. 

And Najib deposited this letter declaring Emergency with his pet toad at the Research Department. That is the document the Police are looking for. That is why the Police raided her house and the offices of the Research Department.  

This is the theory. The appearance of this very clever graphic above, (wrongly trying to link Ambassador Dennis) suggests that others are also thinking along similar lines.  Or they know that is what happened.  

Here are some other graphics I have received.  Someone is out gunning for this toady lady.

Sounds like a real nasty.  But  there is more.  

Recall in 2016 Anas Zubedy relaunched our  'Lets Read The Quran' campaign? I was a guest speaker at the launch and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed was the keynote speaker.

A day after the launch a rather demented mufti issued a statement that the Lets Read The Quran campaign was haram, it was banned. Strangely his statement was released under the letterhead of the Ministry of Home Affairs.  

Anas and I had a discussion about this odd fact - why or how would a mufti release a statement under the Letterhead of the Ministry of Home Affairs?

Well folks, it has now come to my knowledge that the same toady lady at the Research Department was behind the banning of our Lets Read the Quran campaign.  

Being a toady for Najib, she was part of the plot to embarass Tun Dr Mahathir for launching our campaign.  The talk is their ultimate plan was to get the YDP Agong to declare Tun Dr Mahathir a "religious deviant".   (I told you - these are village idiots.)  Well obviously the silly idea did not play out.

Then the story gets a bit more scary.  They also wanted to threaten Tun Dr Mahathir. Via physical threats.  But not directly at Dr Mahathir.  The Research Department  was involved.  Here I do not want to say further. 

Now how do I know this? When people are up to no good, there will always be leaks. There will always be squealers. That is why this Blog is so popular.  There is a lot of squeal news here.

Someone has squealed. From the inside.  The Research Department was actually party to crime.   

I have also said before that the Najib regime was the darkest period, the blackest stain on our Malaysian Civil Service.   

But the Malaysian Civil Service was not exactly innocent. They were also complicit.  The Malaysian Civil Service has really lost whatever little was left of their reputation.

Slow, stupid, corrupt. 

Now add one more - criminal.

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