
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Yoursay: Minister pay cuts – noble intention but not viable

YOURSAY | ‘Pay civil servants and ministers adequately to prevent them being tempted by bribes.’
Ketil Sd: While the intent of cutting ministers' pay is noble, the long-term consequence can be catastrophic.
I think, properly run, Malaysia can well afford to pay our ministers RM1 million per year each.
What is scary is when they dip their hands into the cookie jar. Malaysia has a long history of this happening. So let's not be penny wise pound foolish.
Pay all the government servants well, not just the ministers, with each commensurating one’s skill set comparable to the private sector pay scale. Learn from Singapore - one of the cleanest governments in the world.
Anonymous_b67840c8: The cut may be necessary for now but in the longer term, we should pay our civil servants and ministers adequately to attract talent.
This will mean fewer employees but higher productivity to justify the pay rise. It need not be an extreme model like Singapore but fair compensation in line with job responsibility.
I Wonder?: While facing the imminent or looming national financial crisis due to kleptocracy and mismanagement, a compulsory pay cut of 10 percent should apply across the board to include ministers, deputy ministers, MPs and all senior civil servants and political appointees.
At the same time, pay rises should be frozen for at least two to three years or till the situation has eased.
Meanwhile, the government should immediately get rid of all sorts of monopolies and exclusive right practices in business to encourage free trade and competition.
This will naturally and effectively lower the inflation rate and cost of living benefiting the people.
Anonymous_e71ce79c: Thank you to the cabinet ministers on their sacrifice of 10 percent pay cut. However, the austerity measures will have a bigger and more meaningful impact if all and every ministry and department join in the austerity drive.
Not necessarily a salary cut, but there are many other ways of reducing their operating costs if they care to study their past spending patterns and habits which have been lavish under the previous government.
ChuenTick: None of the respected commentators has come to Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng’s defence. Perhaps they feel it is an indefensible position.
Yes, many thinking rakyat do feel it is a politically motivated corruption charge against Lim - yet I feel disappointed Lim got himself drawn into such a controversy.
He should have realised that as Penang chief minister, the concept of “willing seller, willing buyer” would be a hard sell.
Yes, the evidence before the court this far indicated the agreed selling price was sometime in 2009, way before the transaction date of 2015.
Well, let's hope the attorney-general will accept the representation to drop charges. The Umnoputras will cry conspiracy but we will just have to ignore them. I hope Lim will have learnt his lesson well.
Anonymous_20f13320: To Umno supreme council member Mohd Puad Zarkashi - so, you are going after a person who has not been found guilty. Yet you did not go after a person who was indicated in investigations by other countries.
I feel your definition of corruption and justice differs from the common people. You may wish to use a dictionary for reference.
Susahkes: We may not think highly of Puad, but we must admit, at least he's trying to play the role of the opposition. Even if he stumbles, he is at least attempting it.
Not bad for a guy who was dropped by his ex-boss in the last general election.
Lovemalaysia2: The rule of law is being applied. Firstly, Lim is innocent until proven guilty. He is therefore not impeded in taking up the position.
Secondly, the court case has been postponed, not dropped. However, if a review of the charges proves that they are politically motivated or unfounded, then the judge can dismiss the case.
Until judgment is pronounced either way, Lim is an innocent person.
Malaysian-United: Very good news indeed. There is so much fat to trim off from the previous administration, it's incredible.
To make matters worse, all these excesses don't just cost a lot of money, they are actually counterproductive and complicate matters by introducing more red tape, thereby producing "Little Napoleons" that are a bane to Malaysian society. 
As pointed out by other commenters, the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) and the National Service Training Programme (PLKN) should also be reviewed.
Korkor: Hurrah! Such actions speak louder than words. All these will save money which can help offset the zero-rating of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and also the petrol subsidies. My hat is off to Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and the team of ministers.
This will cut all nonsensical unnecessary spending from the country’s coffers. We hope to see more to come. What about the Biro Tatanegara (BTN)?
Odysseus: I want to believe this is only the start. More clean-ups will be coming. Some agencies which are more prone to corruption like the Road Transport Department (JPJ) or work against the national interest like BTN must be cleaned up too.
VGV: It is very good to get rid of these government agencies, Mahathir. There are also some redundant agencies that must be looked into.
This is a move that could save millions in the government's coffers. Many of these could be absorbed into other ministries to make things move fast. - Mkini

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