
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 22, 2018

Malaysia needs a reboot, not tinkering

Drawing fairly from all PH component parties, Dr Mahathir Mohamad must appoint young MPs as ministers and allow them, instead of retired insiders, to chair the reform panels.
By TK Chua
I think all component parties of Pakatan Harapan (PH) must face reality. They mustn’t curry favour with each other and pretend nothing has happened. It is better for each component party to state exactly its anxiety and unhappiness so that everyone is clear with each other. If we allow unhappiness to fester, the coalition may suffer fissures earlier rather than later.
As a citizen wanting real reforms and good governance for this country, this is my take on PH now.
Whether we like it or not, there is a perception of uneven power distribution among the component parties within PH.
We accept Dr Mahathir Mohamad played a vital role in the 14th general election, but we cannot ignore the fact that the bulk of the work was actually done by the young turks of DAP and PKR who suffered persecution in the past. PH’s victory was actually more than 10 years in the making, not just the last two years.
With that in mind, I think PPBM and Amanah have been more than adequately compensated. With Mahathir as prime minister and so many state MBs under PPBM, I think it is time to appoint the young and the dynamic from DAP and PKR to their rightful places in the Cabinet and other positions, including the speaker of the house.
I believe fairness is the best way to keep all the parties united. Fairness is good to keep the different parties on an even keel and to provide built-in checks and balances. When one party dominates, others may feel resentful.
I see a general reluctance to give room for the young to effect genuine reforms that the country badly needs. I see that important and pertinent ministries and positions are still being controlled by “insiders” rather than reformers. In this regard, may I know why the reinvestigation of Teoh Beng Hock’s death was announced by DAP ministers and not the home minister? What is the reason for this?
We must recognise that Mahathir can only do so much. Beyond that, he must seek consultation and advice from others. Mahathir needs capable and dynamic MPs appointed as ministers and deputy ministers to assist and advise him. I think it is not difficult for any ordinary Malaysian to spot these capable MPs and assemblymen.
In a similar vein, all the reform panels and committees should be led by capable MPs and assemblymen instead of retired insiders and former government officials. If they are so reform-minded, Malaysia would not have gotten into such a big hole in the first place.
Elders with substantive experience can play advisory roles but certainly not calling the shots. We must give the newly elected MPs and assemblymen the opportunity to decide how they want to move this country forward. Why elect new MPs and assemblymen when we are going to use the same old people to reform our country?
There will be pent-up frustration if the energy of these young MPs and assemblymen is not harnessed. I believe they are in a better position to suggest and provide recommendations to the government.
This country needs a reboot, not tinkering.
TK Chua is a FMT reader

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