
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Let Malaysia Burn If Necessary

Yes, we will do precisely what DAP has been doing these last 50 years to destroy Malay political dominance, even allow the country to burn if that is what it takes. Finally, restoring Malay political dominance is the only thing that matters, never mind the price we need to pay.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
In school, we are taught that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line…as the crow flies, goes the saying. In politics, the journey between two points is never a straight line. It zig-zags. And this is what my 40 years or so involvement in politics has taught me.
I may lack the number of years that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad or Anwar Ibrahim have in the political arena. But I have worked with both of them — as well as with Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and a number of others — since the late 1970s and early 1980s and I know how these people think and why they do things the way they do.
Most people think they can figure out Mahathir, Anwar and Ku Li. At the end of the day, however, you are still puzzled by the moves they make and the reason why they make them. The only predictable thing about these people is they are unpredictable.
I would like to believe I am like that as well — in that most people think they know me and think they know what I am doing. But, at the end of the day, they are all left wondering. Yes, being predictable is no fun. But leaving your critics and adversaries thinking they know you is how, according to Sun Tzu, you win wars.
Phrases such as killing with a borrowed knife, using your enemy to defeat your enemy, an enemy of my enemy is my friend, never engage in battle when you are weak, confuse your enemy, divide your enemy, and so on, come to mind in this game of thrones.
This is basically what DAP does. And, of course, Mahathir and Anwar as well, although Ku Li’s moves do leave me wondering at times.
DAP is like the rabbit against the fox. The fox is merely running for its dinner. The rabbit is running for its life. If you lose this dinner there is still another one later or tomorrow. But you only have one life so you cannot afford to lose it.
That is why DAP has to be smarter and more devious than its adversaries, mainly the Malay parties such as Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM, PAN and so on. DAP uses one Malay party to kill or neutralise another Malay party. They unite the Chinese using Chinese issues such as the New Economic Policy, racial quotas, Chinese schools, Chinese language, Chinese education, Islam, the Sharia, Hudud, RUU355, etc.
This did not happen overnight. It took 50 years before DAP saw success. But it finally succeeded even if it took 50 years. And 50 years is equivalent to two generations. In other words, this all started during the present generation Chinese grandfather’s time.
But that is how long such things take. In China it took 30 years. In France it took 42 years. In England it took 35 years. And it took DAP 50 years to finally achieve what they set out to achieve in 1968. However, once you reach there, you stay there, you never go back.
Can we undo what DAP has done? Can we change things? DAP achieved what they achieved on the back of Chinese unity and anti-Malay/anti-Islam sentiments. The only way to oust DAP would be on the back of a Malay-Chinese conflict. In the end, it has to end the way it ended in Bosnia and Serbia. This is the reality of how politics work.
PAS is probably the only party other than DAP that understands what game DAP Is playing. In 1990, DAP happily worked with Semangat 46 on the West Coast of West Malaysia knowing that Semangat 46 had an alliance with PAS on the East Coast of West Malaysia and with PBS in Sabah. DAP was using Semangat 46 as its proxy to do an alliance with PAS and PBS.
Nine years later, in 1999, the opportunity presented itself, yet again, when Umno was split into two and PKR was created. This time DAP did not work through proxy but openly entered into an alliance with PAS, PKR and PRM which they called Barisan Alternatif.
The Chinese, however, were not ready for this and Karpal Singh and Lim Kit Siang were kicked out. So, two years later, DAP left the Barisan Alternatif coalition and went solo in an attempt to win back Chinese support. Meanwhile, they educated the Chinese as to why DAP must use the Malays to fight and defeat the Malays.
Seven years later, after intensive brainwashing, the Chinese voters were ready. In 2008, DAP re-entered the alliance with PAS and PKR, this time called Pakatan Rakyat. And this time they gained some ground. They gained even more ground in 2013 and finally, in 2018, DAP struck pay-dirt.
What Chin Peng tried for so many years and gave up in 1989 with the signing of the Hat Yai Peace Agreement saw success 29 years later in 2018. For DAP, the 50-year journey was not a straight line. They had to zig-zag to get where they are today. And that, too, will be how we need to do things.
I will not reveal how we do things because one does not reveal one’s strategy. Suffice to say we will do what DAP does. We will zig-zag. We will work with enemies. We will allow the end to justify the means. We will confuse our enemies as much as possible. We will pretend to retreat to draw our enemies into an ambush. We will use deception. We will use the race and religion card. We will allow the economy to suffer so that the people will get angry with the government.
Yes, we will do precisely what DAP has been doing these last 50 years to destroy Malay political dominance, even allow the country to burn if that is what it takes. Finally, restoring Malay political dominance is the only thing that matters, never mind the price we need to pay.

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