
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, August 8, 2022

YOURSAY | Police-linked troll farm - no smoke without fire


YOURSAY | 'Bare denial is not enough, sue Meta if claims are untrue.'

Police deny 'troll farm link' claim by social media giant

Vijay47: PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police), in the face of these attacks by foreign organisations with their dubious (or is that “nefarious”?) agendas, you can be assured that the rakyat, especially the commentators here in Malaysiakini, stand as one behind you.

Our solid support for you is founded on the excellent service you have extended, a record of contributions too numerous to be listed in a single comment.

Meta, fronted by its lackeys Facebook and Instagram, is obviously an agent of Jewish and other interests who feel threatened by the huge strides Malaysia has been making under the able leadership of our dear prime minister, Ismail Sabri Yaakob, who has forged a reality, not a perception, that the rest of the world envies – Keluarga Malaysia. You can bet your shirt on it!

You also have a share in this success, PDRM, manned as you are by the best calibre of officers the country has to offer.

I am particularly impressed with the police secretariat which has promised to investigate the Meta allegations and yet has already denied them. Does any other agency have such ability of foresight?

Don’t let little setbacks set you back, PDRM. We know you will soon arrest fugitive Jho Low and bring M Indira Gandhi’s children back to her.

MS: Meta's allegations against PDRM and the government are defamatory. We don't need these provocateurs who are bent on discrediting Keluarga Malaysia.

A task force should be immediately formed to wage a jihad against these anasir anasir subversif (subversive elements). And the first step should be to deny them a presence in the country. The Home Ministry should immediately act to ban Facebook and Instagram.

Home Minister Hamzah Zainudin should move heaven and earth to save the maruah (dignity) of PDRM

FlabberPro: As usual, PDRM’s lack of professionalism in handling these is revealed in their denial. Would we expect them to say, "We will investigate the matter to determine who is the mastermind in PDRM that has done such a despicable act"?

There is no smoke without fire. Meta would not have released its report (Adversarial Threat Report) if those were slanderous lies. They are not interested to bring down any government.

PDRM can deny all it wants, but to many, its reputation has never been associated with truth, justice and integrity anyway.

Simple Truth: PDRM, if you’re not linked to the disinformation campaign, why don't you sue Meta? If you dare not sue them or demand that they retract their accusations, then you are deemed to be guilty.

To just say that you were not involved does not absolve you from the alleged crime. What say you, PDRM?

Kilimanjaro: Indeed, bare denial won't help. A few years ago, former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi attempted to set up the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).

This was based on the Royal Commission of Inquiry report headed by former chief justice Dzaiddin Abdullah.

When this happened, an open warning was published on the PDRM's website, which was both chilling and frustrating. It forewarned of certain repercussions. It was taken down later.

Now that Meta's report is out, it will undoubtedly be raised and debated by all of us, despite the denial by PDRM. The proper thing for PDRM to do is to show the facts and figures to disprove the allegations.

Quigonbond: Meta has no beef to grind against Malaysia. PDRM, especially the Special Branch, has been known to do the bidding of those in power.

Bare denial won't help. At best, it shows that within PDRM, there are those who work in secrecy that even the IGP (inspector-general of police) is allegedly not aware of, meaning the man on top doesn't have the house in order, which is equally disturbing.

Steven Ong: This is nothing new. For many years, the talk on cybertroopers funded by the government and Umno had been going on. Like the Biro Tatanegara (BTN), it's a true, shameless operation by those at the top.

For all those involved in this wicked operation, it is time to repent.

MerdekaMerdekaMerdeka: “In Malaysia, we removed 596 Facebook accounts, 180 pages, 11 groups and 72 Instagram accounts for violating our policy against CIB. This network originated in Malaysia and targeted domestic audiences in that country," said Meta.

Opposition, there is no better time. They have literally handed it to you on a silver platter.

It’s time to expose all the scoundrels behind it. The government agencies, PDRM, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), among others.

OrangePanther1466: Is this an indication that the "deep state" is at work? Perhaps elements within the PDRM are acting on their own accord, probably funded by their political masters.

Meta will not be so silly as to implicate the PDRM without credible evidence.

This is indeed worrying that the police, who are supposed to protect the people, are themselves involved in peddling false narratives and influencing public opinion. - Mkini

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