Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Who are the real Malays of Malaysia

Is this man a Malay?
Or is this guy a Malay?

Maybe this is the real Malay?
I am so confused! Because here comes another one that has her hands up telling me that she too is a Malay!
Now if they are all Malays how soon before this guy becomes a Malay? How soon !!!!
Or this guy!
This is what happens when race and religion becomes the purview of the government to decide. This is what happens when education and the means to earn a living is, to a large extent, decided by what race you are and what religion you practice.
This is what our country has now become.
Ethnic engineering done to serve the interest of UMNO.
Ethnic engineering done to serve the interest of UMNO politicians : Politics as practised by these UMNO politicians is now a profession that insists in sharing the same bed of the oldest profession known to man - and it does so because politics as practiced by UMNO and Barisan Nasional has sunk below the oldest known profession : PROSTITUTION !
So for UMNO, sharing the same bed as the oldest profession is one step up !
It is not enough that there are so many "engineered Malays" who are now in UMNO but these "ethnically engineered Malays" are now Melayu "keturunan India, Indon, Burma and so on and so forth" and they have been send forth into the rural and urban areas to go forth and multiply - and in time to come ensure that these "keturunan Melayu" will numerically eclipse the non-Melayu and ensure that UMNO will forever reign in a Malaysia that not only is populated in large numbers by the Malays but also by all these keturunan Melayu that are now enthusiastically being engineered by UMNO !
It would be a dream come true for UMNO - a Malaysia full of Malays and those of "keturunan Melayu." But have they ever considered what 'stock' these "keturunan Melayu" are descended from?
Not from the best of genes that any sensible "ethnic engineering" should be engineered upon but really the worse and most base of human genes that have come to Malaysia because they are not able to make it in their own country. And from these genes will our Malaysia now be build upon. It does not need an Einstein to figure out what sort of a society will evolved from these genes. But does UMNO cares? UMNO would prefer to be in the land of the blind - for in the land of the blind, the one eye is King - and UMNO intends to be that one eyed King.
Look no further then UMNO itself. How many of those "India mari keturunan Melayu" are depriving the real Malays of their rights? These 'Melayu keturunan India" began breeding prolifically with the coming of Mahathir! And now UMNO has enough "keturuan Melayu India" to make Indians think that UMNO should establish a 'recruitment center' in INDIA - preferably base in Kerala!
You cannot fault these opportunist who will seek any which way to become Malays especially when UMNO started tinkering with Race and Religion to make as many "Melayu" as possible who would be beholden to UMNO for their "Melayu" brand. And where it suits UMNO, they move the goal post to make as many "Melayu" as possible. There is no doubt that they have already taken a foot hold within UMNO. Now we Malays, together with the non-Malays will just have to wait their entry into our homes - Mahathir have already done their entry into government!
That is why we need to get rid of this "ethnic engineering UMNO government".
They will stop at nothing to stay in power.
It should not matter if you are a Malay or a Non-Malay.
If you are a citizen of Malaysia then you are on par with everyone else.
This is what 1Malaysia means!
- Steadyaku47

1 comment:

  1. Good, this proofs that Malay people is receptive of any race as long as it serve its purpose for greater Malaysian! Chinese who oppose 1school for all, and yet barking for Malaysian Malaysia is pure hypocricy.


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