
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Two Incredible Things

Well the first one is this rumour carried by Malaysiakini that Dr Mahathir met with Ramli Yusof and Shafee Abdullah. Ramli as you may know is that Policeman whose name was linked with some things in Sabah. Dato Shafee Abdullah was the lawyer representing him.

Dato Shafee Abdullah is also prosecuting on behalf of the AG's Chambers in the Sodomy 2 appeal involving Anwar Ibrahim.

Rumours like these are red herrings designed to stir up conspiracies.  

Well since I am considered a blogger who is a 'pembodek Dr Mahathir' I called other bloggers who are also 'pembodek Dr Mahathir' to check out this story. I received a straight no. Dr Mahathir did not meet with Ramli Yusof to plot any conspiracies.

Folks, Anwar Ibrahim is  history. He never was, never is and never will be anything. 

Recall my long interview with Malaysian Insider that came out recently? The people who interviewed me were nice folks. I think we are all nice folks - well most of us. Anyway the Malaysian Insider did ask my views about PAS, about DAP and about PKR. I said PKR was a short term play. It is a like a restaurant with just one item on the menu - Anwar Ibrahim. They do not have any other perjuangan. when Anwar goes, PKR also will bungkus.

Khalid Ibrahim their MB of Selangor has accumulated RM3.0 billion in reserves for the State. Anwar the State's economic advisor is scolding Khalid for not spending the money (in crony contracts ??) instead of congratulating Khalid for accumulating so much reserves. This also means Anwar had no part to play in accumulating the RM3.0 Billion reserves.  Economic advisor pula!! What a joke.

If Shafee wins the appeal and Anwar is sent to jail (they say it could be 12 years) the PKR may be resurrected for a short while on sympathy again but I doubt it. The Malays are getting tired of Anwar. He is way, way past shelf life. That botox treatment is not going to help even one bit.

If Shafee loses the appeal and Anwar is acquitted (boy have I heard conspiracy theories about that option as well !!) then everything is back to square one. No change. Either way - masuk jail or no - Anwar is history. 

So all this talk about conspiracies, Dr Mahathir meeting Shafee and Ramli miss one big elephant of a point - for what? Untuk apa? Why would Dr Mahathir want to conspire against the walking dead? 

The second incredible thing I heard is about Ekuinas again. A reader sent me a link to The Edge. Here it is :

Three years ago Ekuinas bought a 61.6% stake in Konsortium Logistik Bhd for RM241 million. They recently sold the stake to Syed Mokhtar Bukhari for the same amount RM241 million. No "buy low sell high". It was "buy and sell at same price".

This is quite perplexing. Analysts say that Konsortium owns land (in Penang, Pulau Indah etc) which must have appreciated in value since three years ago. Ekuinas should have revalued the land and thereby increased the selling price to Syed Mokhtar. This they did not do. Why?

This also raises another doubt - did Ekuinas overpay when they bought this 61.6% stake for RM241 million three years ago?

However I am really shocked at the type of answer given by Ekuinas when asked why they agreed to the price of RM241 million from the Buyer. Here is The Edge :

Wah like that one ah? Ok if that is the case does Ekuinas have any more assets to sell? I want to buy. I will also take into account "the underlying values" and then offer my best price to Ekuinas. They will probably accept. Boleh?  

(Here is a secret - I can even get Syed Mokhtar to make the offer on my behalf. Then split the gains 50/50.) 

Folks, it is simple common sense. When you want to buy a house or property you do the research, check the house prices in The Star, do a valuation etc. You satisfy yourself about the market value of the property. Then you try to squeeze or negotiate with the seller as much as you can. That is business. Even grandma knows that. When grandma goes to the market she will bargain with the vegetable seller for every ten sen. 

The vegetable seller wont give in to grandma so easily. He will put up a fight. Unless of course he is Ekuinas. Then he will say, "Grandma has taken into account the underlying value of the veggies. Grandma's price must be right". 

I think the vegetable seller will be out of business in no time.

This is the "Proton School of Management" at work again.  Folks, havent I said this before. These folks do not understand the basic rule, buy low and sell high. They buy high and sell low. Or they buy high and hope to sell for higher. Its our money. Taxpayer's money.

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