
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 21, 2015

G25 moots ‘muzakarah’ to seek common ground with Muslim groups

G25's Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin says there is no understanding between Muslim groups in the country. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, December 21, 2015.G25's Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin says there is no understanding between Muslim groups in the country. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, December 21, 2015.
The G25 group of Malay moderates is inviting Muslim groups and associations in the country to join a "muzakarah" (discussion) on their different positions and understanding of Islam.
Its spokesman Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin said the gathering would serve to raise the dignity of Islam despite differences of opinions.
"There is nothing to be afraid of. Let us have a muzakarah, let us discuss. Let us sit together, Muslim groups with one another, to discuss our differences," she told The Malaysian Insider.
"We may have different approaches. But we all want the same thing.
"We want to uphold our religion and promote Islam. Let us find our common ground. It doesn't matter whether we are Isma, Abim, Ikram and Perkasa," she said, referring to some of the more vocal Malay and Muslim groups in the country.
"We are ready to sit down with everyone. This will also promote the unity of believers. We are all Islam's believers," Noor Farida said, expressing hope that GMM's chief executive officer Nasharuddin Mat Isa could facilitate such a gathering.
"I don't want us all to complain. This is G25's invitation to all Islamic organisations. Our problem is that there is no understanding between us."
G25 emerged late last year with an open letter to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for a rational dialogue on Malaysia’s Islamic laws.
They have continued to advocate moderation and recently called for a review of Shariah laws.
Noor Farida added that some Malaysians could have misunderstood statements by G25, adding that the group was not out to challenge Islam.
She also said Muslims would end up looking as if they still lived in ignorance if they did not address violence and extremism.
"We have become as if we are living in the age of ignorance (jahiliyah). This is what is happening to Muslims in this country.
"It takes so little to provoke violence, whereas peace is highly valued for Muslims," she said of the recent threats against her.
Noor Farida has been threatened with sexual harm and death recently on social media, following her call to review Shariah laws intruding into private lives, such as the laws on khalwat (close proximity of opposite sexes).
She is also being investigated under the Sedition Act for those remarks, after police reports were lodged against her.

1 comment:

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