
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 26, 2017


(TANJAK) – DAP leader Zaid Ibrahim’s speech in Johor Bahru a few days ago was like a loose cannonball rolling on the deck of the floundering Pakatan ship in choppy sea.
It was also a misfire that ricocheted against his own party.
Firstly, Zaid in his speech accused prime minister Najib Razak of introducing “Taliban-style Islamic law” in cahoots with PAS president Hadi Awang.
Zaid then fired shots across the bow at the MCA, MIC and Gerakan “hangers on” for supposedly failing to halt Umno’s advancement of political Islam.
But what about the DAP’s position and propaganda on Islamic issues? Has Zaid delved into this? Is he sure that his party leadership is really opposed to political Islam?
Surely Zaid would or should be aware how the DAP has loudly proclaimed that it is indeed most Islam-friendly.
In fact, the party’s Islam-friendliness can be said to be ‘extreme’ (i.e. DAP is extremely pro Islam – if you can believe Guan Eng’s fervent protestations), what with its constant boasts of Penang’s ostensible strong support for Islamic institutions.

DAP-led Penang doing the same things

Zaid claimed that with political Islam under Najib’s rule, Malaysia “will never be moderate and peaceful”.
“It will be a complete change from democracy that we once knew,” he added.
In the news today is a report that Najib handed over an allocation of RM80 million to sekolah pondok, Sekolah Menengah Agama Rakyat and tahfiz institutions.
The Prime Minister’s Department (JPM) has a big budget of close to RM16 billion. The Department of Islamic Development Malaysia or Jakim is parked under JPM and the RM80m expenditure above disbursed by Najib will have been drawn from JPM.
On the part of Penang state, in 2017 the DAP-led administration earmarked RM1.75 million aid to Sekolah Agama Rakyat apart from another RM2.15 million granted to build new SARs and upgrade existing ones.
This year too, Guan Eng’s administration gave RM2.14 million to 1,550 Kelas Al-Quran dan Fardhu Ain (Kafa) teachers and other beneficiaries. Overall, the Penang state budgeted RM49.4 million this year for Islamic development, including payments to mosque officials and huffaz.
Penang is spending the aforementioned amounts on Islam from its smaller (compared to JPM) state budget of RM1.45 billion.
If Zaid will whip out his calculator and crunch the numbers, he will find that his party that is ruling Penang is extremely determined to outbid Najib in the funding of Islam-related institutions and activities.
Yet here is Zaid accusing Najib of Talibanizing the country. If Najib is guilty of the ‘Taliban’ charge leveled by Zaid against him, then so too is Guan Eng aka the pretend Caliph Omar ‘Lim’ Abdul Aziz.
An old political polemic used to be that Umno and PAS were always trying to out-Islamize each other. The new polemic presently is that the ultrakiasu DAP is trying very hard to out-Islamize Umno – certainly in form, if not quite in substance.
And it must be stressed that DAP is both ultra and kiasu. Thus, in its actions – including this faux ‘Islamization’ race – DAP is being true-to-form ultra and dreadfully kiasu too.

Zaid should take a trip up north and recce

Recently on April 21, Zaid headed down south and delivered his loose cannonball speech in the Johor capital. He must next drive north and check on what’s happening in the island state ruled by his party.
In his Johor speech, Zaid asked: “why are Christian Dayaks not able to use the word ‘Allah’ in their prayers, something they have been doing for the last 200 years?”
He has apparently forgotten the 10-point agreement brokered by Najib that allows Christian Dayaks to use the ‘Allah’ word in Sarawak.
Compare: In year 2010 – under Guan Eng’s Pakatan watch – the Penang Mufti’s office gazetted a fatwa that prohibited Christians from using the ‘Allah’ word. The fatwa further calls on Muslims in Penang to prevent Christians from misusing the ‘Allah’ term.
In effect, Christians in Penang are prohibited from using the word ‘Allah’ in their churches.
Thirdly Zaid asked, “Has this [federal] government considered the potential of religious and racial problems Zakir Naik will bring to this peaceful country?”
What Zaid should query is whether the Penang state government has anything to say about the alleged “potential of religious and racial problems Zakir Naik” may bring?
The answer – for Zaid’s info – is that Penang is in support of Zakir Naik. Yup, the Penang religious establishment is pro-Zakir.
Fourthly, Zaid declared that Najib and Hadi are promoters of hate speech as well as a “fascist-like ideology”.
Reality check for Zaid: Islamization at its source – Article 3(1) of our constitution – is but an affirmation of what has been our historical make up for many centuries. Hence for Najib and Hadi to promote Islam is wholly constitutional.
Can Zaid point to what, if anything, which either Najib or Hadi has said that can be deemed ‘Taliban-like’?
Fifthly, Zaid added: “They have a plan to have Umno Malays and Hadi Islamists join forces to control the country”.
What about the plan to have DAP Christians and PAN Islamists and PBBM race chauvinists join forces to control the country?
How can Zaid conveniently ignore the fact that it was PBBM founder Dr Mahathir Mohamad who had unilaterally declared Malaysia to be an Islamic state in 2011? And now PBBM is the DAP’s chief political ally.

Does Guan Eng want to be the head of Islam in Penang?

The grossly exaggerated projection by Zaid frames that “in the Taliban legal system jointly conceived by Najib and Hadi, there is no separation and no distinction between personal laws and general laws”.
Well, Zaid can rest assured that any legal system conceived in Dapster Lalaland would not make a proper distinction between the personal diktats of the Lim dynasty and constitutional law.
One, under Article 3(2) of the federal constitution, it is the Sultan’s role and function to be the head of Islam in his state. Article 181 of the federal constitution states the prerogatives, powers and jurisdiction of the rulers within their respective territories.
There is no monarchy in Penang, Malacca, Sabah, Sarawak and the Federal Territories. Therefore the head of Islam in Penang is the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
So why does it look as if Guan Eng is attempting to usurp the YDP’s role as custodian of Islam in Penang? See photograph below.
Two, it is the prerogative of the Malay rulers to decide who gets appointed to their state’s religious councils and who becomes the mufti.
PAS, the DAP’s erstwhile Pakatan partner, has accused Guan Eng of interfering with the appointment of the Penang state mufti after the contract of the former mufti Hassan Ahmad was not renewed.
Three, Guan Eng is further accused of meddling in the Penang fatwa council.
Is the Christian chief minister in Penang attempting to usurp the function, which by law belongs to the Muslim sultan, with regard to the administration of Islam and the appointment of his state’s mufti?
Zaid’s scattershot rant against Najib has inadvertently shone the spotlight on Guan Eng’s pious ‘Muslim’ playacting shenanigans. Talk about unintended consequences!
Terkini di portal berita: ‘Saman PAS jika tuduhan campur tangan isu fatwa satu fitnah’

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