
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Poll Results : 95% Of 1008 People WILL NOT VOTE FOR NAJIB AND THE BN !!

Thank you to the more than 1000 people who took the Poll. Thank you very much. Someone once said here that for a Malaysian population size, we need to poll only 500 people to get a fair cross section of views.  Well 1008 people took this poll (so far, there are a few hours left).

80% of you said that you will never, ever vote BN. This number has stayed constant since the first few hours of this poll, about five days ago.

5% said you will note vote at all.  

(I put this as one of the answers in the poll because from talking to people, I gathered a significant number may just not vote, out of protest)

Another 10% of you said you will NOT VOTE for the BN if Najib was still PM.  (The answer was the other way around, without Najib, you will vote for BN).

Only 5% of 1008 people said you will vote for BN, with or without Najib. I think the 57 people who picked this option are prepaid blogger bangangs, Moron's Media Team and such.

Effectively 95% of 1008 people WILL NOT VOTE for Najib and the BN.

These are serious numbers.  They are getting worse for the BN.

This time around it does not matter if they redraw the lines (gerrymandering). Even the Rohingyas cannot help.

The only way for the BN to save itself is for them to get rid of the Moron. 

The solution is so simple. Why sink the whole damn ship just to save one useless rat?

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