
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 4, 2018

Part 2 - The Really Worsening Situation In Iran

  • Protesters chanting against religious leadership 
  • chanting “death to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei"
  • in Tehran people shouting  “Get lost you Mullahs”

Yesterday after I wrote about the bad situation in Iran a friend who is a professor of surgery and who reads my Blog, sent me further links about the situation in Iran. It is actually really quite bad. 

First some highlights about the rial (riyal) which is the Iranian currency.

In January 2018 the Iranian rial crashed to 42,000 rials to the USD. By end July it crashed further to hit close to 120,000 rials against the Dollar. 

They say inflation in Iran is now about 14% and unemployment is 13%. I suspect it must be much worse. 

Things are so bad in Iran that hundreds of thousands of refugees from Afghanistan are returning home to Afghanistan.

Here is the news:

Things Are So Bad In Iran That Afghan Migrants Are Going Home
August 01, 2018 

400,000 Afghan migrants left Iran for Afghanistan in 2018
have returned to Afghan amid crippling economic crisis in Iran

Iran's turmoil sent unemployment soaring, currency plummeting 
It's better in Afghanistan than in Iran

mass exodus "driven by politics, economy, massive devaluation" 

'Better Afghanistan Than Iran'
In Afghan unemployent 40%
yet Afghan still an improvement (over Iran)

rial really come down
rial is worthless

up to 300 Afghans returning from Iran every day

Mohammad moved back to Kabul after 10 years in Iran
"It's better here than in Iran," says Sediqullah
I earn US$4 [per day], more than in Iran
don't think many Afghans will stay in Iran
Many will come back to Afghanistan

Jan 1, USD worth 42,900 rials
July 31, rial record low of 119,000 to USD
plummeting value of rial 

currency crisis spiked unemployment 
cost of everyday goods

Thousands protest for 4th day in Iran 
Iranians angry with regime take to streets 
fearing further economic woes 

Police fired tear gas rubber bullets 
unrest  spread across 10 towns and cities 

furious people burning tyres, setting fire to police vehicles
protests in Shiraz, Ahvaz, Mashhad, Sari, Karaj, west Tehran
Rallies in Arak and Shahin-Shahr

sudden outburst of anger
unrest posed major threat to regime 

protests united lower and middle-income classes
small towns and major cities have joined
upper-middle classes joining too

protests among largest to hit Iran 
since unrest in 80 cities in Dec and Jan 
25 people killed thousands arrested

Protests, strikes re-ignited in June 
Rial took a major hit 

Protests united lower and middle-income classes
Both small towns and major cities have joined

last week Rial hit record low 120,000 to USD 
likely sink to 200,000 to USD 
meaning further unrest certain 

Protesters chanting against religious leadership 
chanting “death to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei"
in Tehran people shouting  “Get lost you Mullahs”

people panicking and stocking up provisions, dollars and gold 
crisis and protests only going to continue 

protests showing growing discontent of Iranian people

also water shortages, power outages
people  disenchanted with  govt in general

My comments :  After the first Gulf War ended in 1991, the US and the West imposed almost complete sanctions against Iraq. Yet Saddam Hussein was able to feed his people very well. Iraqis still lived well and enjoyed peace. The Iraqi economy functioned and they became quite self sufficient. They fixed all the war damage and there were few or no water and power shortages in Iraq.  

Baathist Iraq was a secular state and they were quite professional about things. 

The mullahs in Iran run on "Insya Allah". Being mullahs they really believe that they have the right to lord it over the people.  Plus their training (or lack thereof) makes them into quite the morons. 

Can you imagine religious people running a country? This is what happens. Look at Iran. Look at Kelantan. Tin sadin had a solution for water - dig a well he said. That is the typical ostard wal retard solution to things.

The Iranian people foolishly chose the mullahs. Now they are paying the price. Its not too late. Just kick them out.

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