
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, September 2, 2019

I Support The Muslim Unity Gathering

What happens after that is another thing altogether, of course. Umno and PAS still have to agree on the seat allocation to achieve a direct one-to-one contest and avoid three-corner contests. But one thing at a time. First agree to sleep in the same bed and then sort out how to have good sex later.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
(Harakah) – PAS dan Umno muktamad untuk memeterai piagam perpaduan ummah dan menandatangani satu memorandum persefahaman di Dewan Merdeka, Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC), di sini 14 September depan.
Majlis menandatangani piagam tersebut akan berlangsung pada hari kedua dalam program Himpunan Penyatuan Ummah yang dijadualkan bermula pada 13 September.
Julung kalinya juga, majlis ini akan mencatatkan detik bersejarah kepada negara apabila dijangkakan hampir 10,000 hadirin akan membanjiri PWTC untuk menyaksikan permeteraian antara dua parti Melayu terbesar negara ini.
I support the Himpunan Penyatuan Ummah or Muslim Unity Gathering on the 13th and 14th September 2019. This gathering would be as historic as the Malay gathering in front of the Majestic Hotel in Kuala Lumpur in 1946 to oppose the British plan to establish the Malayan Union that culminated in the creation of Umno soon after that.

The BMA (British Military Administration) wanted to create a ‘New Malaya’ called the Malayan Union

Yes, 73 years ago, the Malays from across political parties gathered for the first time to oppose the BMA (British Military Administration) plan for a ‘New Malaya’ (called the Malayan Union) and Umno was born. Today, the Malays, again, from across political parties gather to oppose the creation of a ‘New Malaysia’ and the Penyatuan Ummah is born.
PAS was created five years after Umno was born. And PAS was basically Umno people who did not agree with the secular direction Umno was heading for and wanted more Islamisation policies to be implemented. Tunku Abdul Rahman, however, was a secularist and not an Islamist. In fact, most Malays of that era were not Islamists and were very ‘brown-skinned Englishmen’ in their lifestyle.

Yes, “bismillah” before you sip and “alhamdulillah” when you burp

Anyway, that was in 1951, the days when Malays were just like what you see in those P. Ramlee movies of that era, if you know what I mean. Even beer and stout adverts featured Malays (with models wearing skirts and bare-back dresses). So Umno in 1951 reflected the Malays of that era.
Since then, however, we have seen an Islamic Revival, triggered by the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979. And Malays have moved in the opposite direction to the Malays of the Second World War era forty years before that. And the Iranian Revolution was 40 years ago. So, in essence, we are talking about a span of 80 years.
Malay women of the 1950s were simply delicious
Much has changed in 80 years, the Malay mindset included. Hence the Muslim unity gathering two weeks from now is not surprising. It is long overdue, 80 years overdue to be exact.
People like to talk about the liberal Malays and conservative Malays. That is a myth. There are no two types of Malays. There is only one type of Malays, Muslim Malays. If you are Malay you are automatically Muslim. That is the reality in Malaysia. But then you also have fasiq Muslims, who are still Muslims unless they murtad.
Non-Muslims love to compartmentalise Muslims as liberals and extremists. But that is because they have never read the Qur’an or studied Islam in depth. If you have studied, not only Islam, but all the other Abrahamic religions as well, then you will know there is no such thing as liberal Jew, Christian or Muslim. Every follower of Abraham is a soldier of God who will sacrifice even his own child if required. That is what Abraham taught the Jews, Christians and Muslims (but Christians do not study their own religion so they do not know this).

The Malays of today are not the same Malays of 80 years ago

So, there is nothing wrong with perpaduan or penyatuan ummah. It is not only what Allah commanded but is long overdue and should have happened 40 years ago. But better late than never and I support this move in two weeks’ time.
Some say the non-Malays or non-Muslims are not happy with this Himpunan Penyatuan Ummah or Muslim Unity Gathering on the 13th and 14th September 2019. Which non-Malays? The 97% Chinese and 80% Indians who support DAP and vote for DAP? If the gathering is not held would the 97% Chinese and 80% Indians who support DAP and vote for DAP now vote for Umno and PAS?
Yes, the 97% Chinese and 80% Indians who support DAP and vote for DAP would NOT vote for Umno and PAS anyway, whatever you do or do not do. So, what’s the difference? Not uniting the Malays is not going to change anything as far as the non-Malays are concerned. So better unite the Malays then and become a force to be reckoned with.
What happens after that is another thing altogether, of course. Umno and PAS still have to agree on the seat allocation to achieve a direct one-to-one contest and avoid three-corner contests. But one thing at a time. First agree to sleep in the same bed and then sort out how to have good sex later.

The anti-Malayan Union gathering in 1946 that resulted in the birth of Umno

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