
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Longest 127 Days In Malaysia’s History

One thing about Mahathir and Anwar is that they are both stubborn like hell and will not back down. Anwar is determined to take over as Prime Minister on or before 10th May 2020 while Mahathir is determined to prevent that from happening. So, the fight is going to be very bloody with no prisoners. Only one is going to walk away and the other will die on the battlefield.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
The many commentaries and statements over the last few weeks, and escalating over the last few days, is very clear. They want Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad out on or before 10th May 2020. Yes, within another 127 days Mahathir is supposed to go into retirement and power is supposed to be handed over to Anwar Ibrahim.
This is going to be the longest 127 days in Malaysia’s history.
PKR, DAP, and Anwar Ibrahim’s supporters, will not compromise on this issue. On or before 10th May 2020 Anwar must be installed as Malaysia’s eighth Prime Minister. There are no two ways about it. On or before 10th May 2020: Mahathir out, Anwar in.
But is this going to happen?

Anwar claims there is a written agreement that Mahathir will stay as Prime Minister for only two years, after which he will vacate the post and hand it over to him

Anwar says there is a written agreement that Mahathir will stay as Prime Minister for only two years, after which he will vacate the post and hand it over to him. Those in Mahathir’s inner circle — such as Rafidah Aziz, Khairuddin Abu Hassan and Kadir Jasin — say no such agreement exists, whether written or otherwise.
The message is clear. If you want Mahathir out and Anwar in on or before 10th May 2020, then the old man has to be pushed out. He must be pressured to go. If voluntarily, Mahathir will not go. If left to his own devices, Mahathir will breathe his last breath in office. A gun needs to be put to Mahathir’s head if you want him to retire.
In short, Mahathir will die in office and will not die in retirement unless you do a coup.

PAS is with Mahathir and not with Anwar, who PAS sees as DAP’s proxy

PAS backs Mahathir to stay on. DAP is with Anwar. The PAS splinter party, Amanah, has not openly stated its stand but they are mostly with Anwar. Umno and PKR appear divided between Mahathir and Anwar with many not openly stating who they support.
The line is very hazy and both sides do not really know what numbers they have (although both claim they have the numbers: meaning more than 112 members of parliament). Even those who went to Azmin Ali’s house in Putrajaya together with Hishammuddin Hussein in October last year were not all pro-Mahathir. Quite a number went out of curiosity to find out what is going on.
The Sabah and Sarawak MPs are standing on the sideline to wait and see. If Anwar can get the majority they will swing over to him. If Anwar cannot get the majority they will stay ‘neutral’. In short, they will support the winner, whoever that may be — Mahathir or Anwar.

DAP wants Mahathir out and Anwar in on or before 10th May 2020

No, it is not a done deal yet. Both sides are still in the game. The winner could be Mahathir or the winner could be Anwar. The eventual outcome will depend on what happens over these next 127 days: the longest 127 days in Malaysia’s history.
One thing about Mahathir and Anwar is that they are both stubborn like hell and will not back down. Anwar is determined to take over as Prime Minister on or before 10th May 2020 while Mahathir is determined to prevent that from happening. So, the fight is going to be very bloody with no prisoners. Only one is going to walk away and the other will die on the battlefield.
And in the meantime, we will wait and see if war breaks out in the Middle East that may trigger World War III.

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