
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, May 23, 2020

Curtain Comes Crashing Down On Dr Mahathir & Co

The ice has been broken. 
The icy water is not so cold. 
The devil is not as diabolical. 
There is nothing in the dark, except the dark. 
There is life beyond Dr Mahathir and co. 
Life cannot be worse off than what it is already.  

So NINE PPBM division chiefs in Kedah have come out saying that they do not support some "loyalty pledge to Mahathir, Mukhriz". 

'Loyalty pledge' sounds so Third World kampong.  
What did they do after that? 
Got on the water buffalo and rode off into the paddy? 

Oh I almost forgot - there are only 15 PPBM divisions in Kedah. So NINE out of these 15 are actually telling Dr M that "We will NOT be attending your Open House this year" (Its a figure of speech lah - I know there are no Open Houses, its still MCO time.)

This is really the end. But does it have to be so painful?

Everyone who has a career in anything will come to an end in their career. 
But it is hoped that one would end a career with grace, respect and regard. 
Especially a high profile career in politics and public office. 
Yes it is a very high risk career. 
But Dr Mahathir screwed up his political career just too much. 
And so it has come to this sad end where NINE out of 15 PPBM division chiefs in his home State of Kedah have booted him out. 

Yes it is time for another 'I told you so'. 
Yes I did tell you so - for more than a year now. 

I kept saying 'Dr Mahathir buck up. The people have voted out a 62 year old government. Reward the people for their unbelievable support. Implement the PH Manifesto. Remove the tolls, reduce the prices of cars, remove the monopolies, remove the oligopolies, open up the economy, make peoples' lives easier, restore the education system to what it was before.. bla bla bla. 

Dr Mahathir did not listen. 

Instead he started talking nyanyuk about the 3rd National Car !! Nauzubillah !!

Then he started going ballistic - he wanted to save the screwed up Islamic world with the help of the two psychos Erdogan and Imran Khan?? 

He also tied up that Yindian goat to a post in his front yard !!  I feel like speaking Tamil. 

As a result Dr Mahathir lost the most valuable commodity on the surface of this earth - the faith, trust and the support of the people. He lost it. 

The PH began losing the By Elections. The PH lost FIVE by elections in a row. Tanjong Piai was a super disaster when the PH lost by a knock out 15,000 votes. 

And by that time many MPs INSIDE Pakatan Harapan and Bersatu also lost faith in Dr Mahathir.

I have never said this before but over the past year I met up with my friends from PPBM and from the PMO - people very close to Dr Mahathir. They did not disagree with my criticism of Dr Mahathir. 

When I asked them 'What is wrong with Dr Mahathir' their reply was 'I dont know'.  Meaning they did not try to defend him. They could not. So Dr Mahathir lost the support of his own people. 

Now here is something else. This is a Media Release from Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM).  I received it a few days ago (19th May 2020) but it is still current. Do read it carefully.



1. Kami ingin menegaskan bahawa MPT BERSATU dalam mesyuaratnya pada 23
Februari 2020 telah membuat keputusan BERSATU keluar dari Pakatan Harapan
(PH) dan membentuk sebuah gabungan politik baharu dengan parti-parti lain di
luar PH. Keputusan ini adalah jelas dan tidak perlu dipertikaikan.

2. Kami juga menyokong sepenuhnya penubuhan Perikatan Nasional sebagai
sebuah gabungan parti-parti politik dengan matlamat dan tujuan yang terkandung
dalam Memorandum Persefahaman Perikatan Nasional. Demi kesejahteraan
rakyat dan kestabilan politik negara, kami bersetuju BERSATU menyertai
Perikatan Nasional.

3. Kami juga ingin menyatakan sokongan tidak berbelah bahagi kepada kerajaan
Perikatan Nasional di bawah kepimpinan YAB Tan Sri Dato' Hj Muhyiddin Hj Mohd
Yassin, Presiden BERSATU.

1. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Panglima Abdul Rashid Bin Abdul Rahman – Naib Presiden 
2. Datuk Abdul Rashid Bin Asari – Naib Presiden (Ketua BPN Selangor)
3. Datuk Seri Rina Binti Mohd Harun – Ketua Srikandi
4. Dato’ Seri Hamzah Bin Zainudin – Setiausaha Agung
5. Dato’ Mohamed Salleh Bin Bajuri – Bendahari Agung
6. Dr Radzi Jidin – Ketua Penerangan
7. Tan Sri Abd Aziz Bin Mohd Yassin – Ahli MPT
8. Muhammad Zahid Bin Md Arip – Ahli MPT
9. Datuk Dr Sukiman Bin Sarmani – Ahli MPT
10. Azlinda Binti Abd Latiff – Ahli MPT
11. Datuk Mohd Rafiq Bin Naizamohideen – Ahli MPT
12. Wan Mohd Shahrir Bin Wan Abd Jalil – Ahli MPT (Ketua BPN Pahang)
13. Dr Muhammad Faiz Bin Na’aman – Ahli MPT
14. Dato’ Seri Ahmad Faizal Bin Dato’ Azumu – Ahli MPT (Ketua BPN Perak)
15. Najwah Halimah Binti Abd Halim – Ahli MPT
16. Datuk Nordin Bin Salleh – Ahli MPT
17. Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Bin Md Yusof – Ahli MPT (Ketua BPN Melaka)
18. Datuk Dr Shahruddin Bin Md Salleh – Ahli MPT
19. Datuk Wira Dr. Rais Hussin Bin Mohamed Ariff – Ahli MPT
20. Wan Saiful Bin Wan Jan – Ahli MPT
21. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim – Ketua BPN Negeri Sembilan
22. Datuk Kamarudin Bin Md Nor – Ketua BPN Kelantan
23. Datuk Seri Hajiji Bin Hj. Nor – Ketua BPN Sabah
24. Datuk Razali Bin Idris – Ketua BPN Terengganu
25. Mazlan Bin Bujang – Ketua BPN Johor
26. Kapt (B) Muhammad Suhaimi Bin Yahya – Ketua BPN Wilayah Persekutuan
27. Jaziri Alkaf A. Suffian – Ketua BPN Sarawak

MPT means Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi Bersatu. This statement is dated 19th May 2020 but its purpose is to reiterate their meeting held on February 23, 2020 where 27 of them have signed off saying that they support Perikatan Nasional and Tan Sri Muhyiddin.

Another way of reading this is they are not in the Mahathir camp.

So jangan marah saya tau. 

NINE out of 15 PPBM division heads in Kedah are opposed to 'loyalty' to Dr Mahathir. 
27 of PPBM's MPT members are also clearly for PN and Muhyiddin Yassin.  

So once again 'I told you so'.

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