
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 28, 2020

Embracing new labour patterns in the context of Covid-19

Many firms have suspended hiring this year.
Covid-19 has impacted most fields, especially the labour sphere. The world has changed its routine, and people who are working in emergency response mode allow everyone else to keep moving forward.
With the rules of the game completely changed, it is unclear when things will start up again. According to most HR consultants, the staff hiring process is currently frozen or suspended until further notice.
Under these circumstances, companies face a huge challenge. They have to adapt to remote work. In order to prevent a decrease in productivity, companies have to fully convert to a 100% online and remote labour model.
They are being forced to assess their digital transformation process, which had been postponed until they found the perfect time that never came.
Now, facing the challenge of remote work with collaborators who were not prepared to adapt to this model, companies face something bigger – there were commitments, goals, and objectives that required hiring new people. Even though hiring has been temporarily paralysed, companies still need to complete these tasks and accomplish these objectives. Now what?
Outsourcing is a real option
Some companies are still wary about outsourcing. “We are not comfortable hiring an outside person on a temporary basis”; “Our processes are rigorous, an outsider would take months to learn our way of work, and it would put us behind even more”, are just a few concerns many have, and all of them, even though they may be sure of it, show that the uncertainty surrounding change is harder than the actual change.
Companies cannot wait around passively. They must continue to launch projects, proactively search for responses and creatively analyse what they can do under the isolation circumstances.
Now more than ever, working with freelancers can be a stepping stone to move forward on your terms instead of letting global circumstances make the decision for you.
Now more than ever, working with freelancers can be a stepping stone to move forward on your terms.
On-demand talent with freelancers and much more
For several years, Workana has been working with multinational corporations like Unilever, Ambev, and Uber, to name a few.
Not only has Workana provided talent for these companies to make their projects a success, Workana has also initiated ongoing participation in the cultural shift in each organisation.
Workana knows that providing external collaborators with the correct onboarding, researching freelance talent and tracking each project are new concepts that every company has to learn to adapt to.
That is where the Workana team comes in.
The team works on a daily basis to provide clients with information, webinars, educational material, and personnel dedicated to helping your company by learning about your processes, understanding your needs, and ensuring that your search gets the best results possible.
During this time the changes that the world demands are clear: a shift from in-person to remote, overcoming the fear of artificial intelligence in order to do what you cannot do in person, participating in the revolution by providing the framework to move forward.
How companies can emerge from the pandemic unharmed
While many industries have been directly impacted, such as tourism, restaurants and fields dedicated to in-person entertainment, there are others that are looking to transform and shift their potential toward the virtual realm through online stores.
Virtual stores are not just online shops.
In order for many industries to continue operating, e-commerce is the model to follow, but virtual stores are not just an online shop window — they have to follow through on the sales process from start to finish.
To ensure a successful sales process, companies have to form a team of collaborators specialised in marketing, customer service, IB analysis, IT experts, designers, email marketers, and an online sales team.
Many companies have probably already established these departments, but now it is important to focus on the online realm. And this is just one of many examples of what is happening in different industries.
Service companies must focus their attention on virtual assistants, brands must learn how to interact on social media with the help of Community Managers, and products must be described and shown online through videos, photos, design, and, of course, a UX Copywriter that helps tailor this content to the market.
This forced transformation to the online world is showing companies around the world that collaboration with outside talent is not just an option.
Projects cannot stay in limbo or shut down due to current uncertainties. You now have a way to achieve your 2020 goals, and Workana is here to help make that happen. - FMT

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