
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, November 12, 2021

Suka Tak Suka Negeri China Akan Membimbing Dunia

 This is another positive post about China. Not that I am a Chino-phile.  It is human nature to like winners. No one likes losers. Winners meaning not only those who finish ahead but those who win in the right race. Doing good things for fellow human beings is certainly the right source of race.   

If you are doubtful about what is a good thing please look at the label on your underwear - it is possibly Made in China.  Whether you like it or not the Chinese hold you by your cojones - but in a good way.   

For us in Malaysia (a small country and now getting smaller) who are located so close to China our future may not be in our hands as much. Our economic well being in the future is going to be dependent on what China does.

To a large extent this is already happening. 

From 1 Nov - 12 Nov the Western nations have hosted a global warming summit aka "condemn China summit" in Glasgow. For some strange reason they called it COP26. It was indeed another cop-out. Why was it a cop-out? Because no one gives a shit who signed what.  If they want they will just pull out of what they signed - at any time.  The United States remains the worlds biggest polluter. The European Union is 2nd or 3rd.

Under Bill Clinton they almost bombed countries who they accused of increasing the carbon footprint. It was all a ruse for Wall Street to make billions from carbon credits, carbon futures and such crap. And do you remember Al Gore? He made hundreds of millions of US Dollars from carbon credits trading. 


Then under Donald Trump the US said point blank that there was no global warming. Huh?  The Americans simply pulled out of the global warming circus. Trump also pulled out of the TPPA bullshit - which was the neo-con globalists platform inherited by Obama. Now under Biden, global warming is a bad boy again in US policy.  What if Trump wins in 2024?  

As I have stated before while the US condemns China and has even imposed (its a joke) economic sanctions against China, the truth is last year's (2020) China-US trade exceeded US$530 BILLION.  This is the largest volume of trade between any two nations in the history of the human race. China-US trade is expected to hit US$600 BILLION soon. Elon Musk manufactures his Tesla in China. 

Alright! Yeah ! Yeah !

So dear reader,  if you are pro-West and anti-China you can start feeling really stupid now.  You have been taken for a ride.

While Australia also attended COP26 and condemned China for burning coal, few realise that  Australia was China's largest supplier of coal - 38% of Chinese imports of coal.  Until China banned the import of Australian coal this year 2021. The Australians should have thanked China and celebrated China's banning of Australian coal at the COP26. You know, for lowering carbon emissions, lowering global warming and all that crap. Instead the Aussies are upset at China for banning imports of their coal. What a COP-out.

And here is more coal news from Australia - the cute girl from the "Australien" government said that the Aussies opened 23 new coal mines in 2021. Here is the New York Times :

Here is other news about Australia and coal production:

As governments wrestle with how to rein in climate change, Australia appears content to cash in on developing-world demand for coal that is unlikely to abate any time soon.

So all this crap about carbon emissions, carbon footprints, global warming is only for you brown skinned and yellow skinned Third World monkeys.  Please treat yourself to a banana ok. You monkeys deserve it. The Americans and the Aussies can do whatever they want.

Here is that cute girl from Australia again. This is a must watch.

Anyway here is some really relevant news about China :

  • Chinese Communist Party (CCP) passed important resolution on party's past
  • pivotal plenary of party's top figures since Monday in Chinese capital
  • 400 members of Central Committee passed China's resolution on "Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Centennial Struggle", the third ever such resolution in its 100-year history.
  • party "written most magnificent epic in history of China for thousands of years".
  • resolution will set in stone vision for China
  • 20th party congress next autumn, Xi expected 3rd term in office
  • Xi's tenure marked by sprawling anti-corruption crackdown
  • Xi warned Thursday against return to "Cold War-era" divisions in Asia-Pacific 
  • draw ideological lines or small circles on geopolitical grounds bound to fail

So the CCP patted itself on the shoulder for its great achievements. Indeed they have performed miracles in China and in the world. 

Please note this statement :   "the CCP has written the most magnificent epic in history of China for thousands of years".    They did not say 'in the history of socialism, world communism etc'.

They clearly say 'in the history of China for thousands of years'. 

After the 1949 communist revolution China was perhaps a little confused. They wanted to export socialism and communism all over the world.  That changed since the genius Deng Hsiao Png became China's leader. Plus communism collapsed in the Soviet Union. 

China has now found the right formula. They are focussing on Making China Great Again.  

There is more about China that I would like to share but another day. Here is a gist of something else about China. Just a few days back the Pentagon (US Department of Defense) presented a report on China to the US Congress. It is 192 pages long and is available as a pdf file. If you have nothing else to do in life (just kidding) just search the title :

Here is a snapshot of what is inside:

Above : China's major naval bases Zhanjiang, Ningbo and Qingdao
Below : China's defense spending

America also has cronies and crooks who steal taxpayers money. They are stirring up anti-China paranoia to squeeze more money on weapons. 

We should be teaching Mandarin in all our schools. Till next.

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili MMKtT.

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