Saturday, January 21, 2012

901 explosives: Mark of an expert

A former military men said all explosives would carry its maker's signature and the police with its resources should have nailed the culprit by now.
PETALING JAYA: The explosions at the Anwar Ibrahim sodomny case verdict has the signature of a professional, according to a former military explosive expert.
Because of this the former militarty man is surprised that after two weeks the police have not been been able to investigate and arrest those involved in the explosions.
“If I had the forensic evidence and the police’s resources, I could have at least delivered a list of suspects within 24 hours,” he said.
The explosives expert said that based on signature of the Improvised Explosives Device (IED), the police should have been to able to identify the culprit.
“You and I can make chocolate cakes, but each of us will have our own signature ways of doing it which would differentiate yours from mine.
“Similarly,  IEDs will also carry the signature of its maker. I’m sure the police have a database on those people who know how to make explosives and their style,” he said..
On Jan 9, three explosions went off  after Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim was acquitted by  the Kuala Lumpur High Court for allegedly sodomising his aide, Saiful Bukhari Azlan in 2008.
The first blast went off at 10.20 am on Jalan Khidmat Usaha,followed by a second one in  Jalan Dutamas at 10.45am; and the third at 10.55am near the court’s second gate.
Five people were injured in the blasts which also damaged several vehicles.
The police were able to ascertain that among the components used for the IED were an analog clock, PVC pipes, ball-bearings and nine volt batteries.
However, no one has been arrested or called for questioning so far.
He said that those who masterminded the explosions at the court had the intention of causing harm to the people around due to the presence of the ball-bearings in the IED.
“If the person didn’t want to harm anyone, he could have devised the IED without using ball-bearings which would only cause an explosion.
“By using ball-bearings, this person knew the explosion would trigger the ball-bearings to act as shrapnels, that could cause serious injury to people. This person is an expert,” said the former military man.
Explaining, the former military man said it all boils down to the analog clock that was used as a timer for the IEDs.
To make the IED work, Joe said, the perpetrator would have to remove the short hour needle and leave the minute needle as a timer for the bomb.
“And with only the minute needle, the maximum time you could set the IED to explode was one hour,” he said.
With the first explosion happening at 10.20am, he said the first IED could have been planted as early as 9.20am.
“But Anwar was acquitted of the charge.  Why would they want to plant the IED there when he was freed?”he  asked .
He added that even then, no one in the right mind would plant the bomb there at that particular time as the place were crowded with people.
“And there were hundreds of police there. If it was a rally participant, they could have roused a lot of suspicion,” he said.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps the IED was planted there to blame the police, perkasa, umno or whoever else as long as it is not PR, as the culprit. You knew very well that 901 was attended by foreign press for coverage. It could very well be an inside job from PR. They can easily seeked help from Indon's or Pattani's Islamic millitant to make the IED.


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