Friday, January 20, 2012

Beware, racists are now masquerading as moderates

YOURSAY 'So who is the real Najib? 1Malaysia PM, 1Brother Ah Jib, 1Ketuanan Melayu, or having many faces depending on the audience or circumstances?'

Najib endorsed threats against me, says Ambiga

your sayTrumpet Call: The tactics employed by the government are not new. They are designed to intimidate and bully a person into retreat.

It is akin to the law of the jungle. But the bad news for them is that we will not be intimidated. We shall remain strong and resolute.

We will do everything possible within the boundaries of the law to change the government. This means every responsible citizen who truly loves Malaysia must stand up to be counted and go for broke at the next GE.

Freemsia: PM Najib Razak has never been consistent from the very beginning. He can talk about 1Malaysia. Then he turns around and give a totally un-1Malaysia speech at the Pekida Assembly.

He talks about his Global Movement of the Moderates. Contrast this with his high-handed actions at the Bersih 2.0 rally.

He will never be sincere. He only talks in the hope of gaining popularity. At the end of the day, what he really, really cares about is his own interest - which is to remain in power.

Jedi_Who: Bersih 2.0 chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan is highlighting the ‘mind policing' and terror tactics by Umno. If she doesn't find a platform to get publicity and recourse on this, they will do it again in the days leading to Bersih 3.0.

Karma: It is so embarrassing to be a citizen of Malaysia with a PM saying such a thing. This is a disgrace. We dare him to deny it.

Further, with the ruling government continues to be in alliance with blogger Papagomo, it will bring down Malaysia's dignity further.

Papagomo once accused Penang CM Lim Guan Eng's son of being involved in a sex scandal without any proof and yet he can off scot-free. Why?

Pemerhati: The saying that a leopard cannot change its spots applies to Najib. He clearly revealed his spots when some time ago he threatened some Malaysians by saying that he would soak the ‘keris' with their blood.

Most of the time, he tries to hide his spots by putting on a fake smile and talking of 1Malaysia this and 1Malaysia that. But make no mistake, behind that fake facade is a very dangerous and nasty leopard.

Anak JB: When I read what was written, I was lost for words and felt angry. Thank you, Ambiga for taking the bull by its horns and showing what a bunch of cowards these people are.

Shame on you, Najib, Umno and the police for bullying a woman who incidently speaks for most Malaysians.

Toffeesturn: I was there at the Merdeka Stadium in the afternoon of July 9, but it was all barricaded.

I then moved to Jalan Sultan where there was a sea of people, we eventually were forced toward Tung Shin Hospital and we were fired upon in same fashion. I ran for cover.

Lucky the rains set in as I was soaked by chemically-laced water. The rain was a welcome relief. I managed to get to Brickfields and attempted to get to KL Sentral but could not as the tunnel was full of tear gas.

The police (FRU) were just leaving then, it ties with Ambiga's story. I then took a taxi from Brickfields to Klang.

Yes, we were ambushed all over Kuala Lumpur, but that day was ours - we won. Najib is a tyrant - that's why I do not trust the next GE, he will do anything.

It is in his blood - after all, father was the architect of May 13 and there was one time he stood in a stadium and called for blood, which he now denies.

Ferdtan: So who is the real Najib? 1Malaysia PM, 1Brother Ah Jib, 1Ketuanan Melayu, or having many faces depending on the audience or circumstances?

We thought that former PM Ahmad Badawi was a flip-flop leader, but it now seems Najib is even worse - he can be more dangerous if we were to give him some leeway.

Malaysians, vote ABU (Anything But Umno). We want back our country - a country of law and order respected by all, the rich and poor alike. There should not be a rule by law.

We have enough of the abuses of power by the elite, especially the police.

Sadirah K: It is sad to see a politician like Najib who is everything to everybody. His position depends on his audience. Spineless, he continues to contradict himself and such are the leaders who are meant to give leadership to this nation.

Born with a golden spoon, Najib is PM by virtue of his heritage hence not a grassroots politician who has to win people with ideas and convictions. Indecisive, ever changing in his position, he continues to make boo boos all the time.

Naturally such people are afraid of people who champion a cause because they have only one cause and that is to remain in power so manipulation is the best option.

By doing so, they reveal their incompetencies. He is just a paper tiger and if he ursurps power than he will have to face the wrath of people's power.

Pelita: The racist extremists are now masquerading as moderates to the international community. - Malaysiakini

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