Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bloggers find escape hatch in 'Big Mama'

Bloggers are resorting to pseudonyms such as "Big Mama" when attacking public figures to avoid lawsuits, says social activist Hishamuddin Rais.

He said his own reason for doing so was to evade court action.

"If I transfer the name of (prime minister's wife) Rosmah (Mansor) to 'Big Mama', if you take me to court, I say no, you are Rosmah Mansor, not Big Mama, are you Big Mama?" he said.

NONESpeaking at a social media ethics forum on Thursday, Hishamuddin (left) however said it was still necessary for bloggers to take responsibility for their comments.

"Your name should be on your Twitter, on your blog, your face should be there, you must take responsibility, not hide behind names as Papagomo or AkuCina," he said.

However, Kota Belud MP Abdul Rahman Dahlan frowned on such partisan tactics, saying that both BN and Pakatan Rakyat had missed an opportunity to go for new politics.

He said that after 2008, some people in the government felt this was the chance for people on both sides of the political divide to create a change in the country.

"We were somewhat relieved - I'm not saying we welcomed the 2008 general election results, my party lost badly - but I thought there was a big opportunity to realign some long-held beliefs," said the Umno MP.

"But the young generation has missed this opportunity, those on Pakatan Rakyat's side see BN as tyrannical and vice-versa, it's time to reset the button."

On the other hand, Abdul Rahman said the government to some extent should be blamed for being slow to respond to allegations levelled against it by the social media.

NONEHowever, he added that the government has moved to remedy the problem, citing the example of the Defence Ministry's dialogue session with opposition MPs in response to their claims that the procurement cost of six Littoral Combat Ship had increased by RM3 billion.

Self-regulate on Twitter'

The forum was organised by ordinary citizens on Twitter "tired of the mudslinging" on the micro-blogging site between Pakatan and BN politicians and supporters.

"When there is a hot issue, you will just see your Twitter timeline (page) flooded with all this noise that is sometimes not very pleasant," said one of the organisers, Juana Jaafar.

So they decided on an attempt to bring individuals from both sides of the political fence to thrash out this social media issue.
"We thought, why not let us try and bring individuals from both sides of the political fence to talk about this particular issue, he added.

NONESocial media entrepreneur Zain HD (left) called on the social media community to "self-regulate" and respect the opinion of both sides of the divide as both play instrumental roles.

"We're not saying that there should be a law regulating this but people need to control themselves, It's like when you do not simply throw rubbish even when there are no officers to stop you.

"We need to appreciate that is there  would be no Economic Transformation Programme from the BN, there would be no Buku Jingga from Pakatan, If there had been no Budget 2011 there would be no Pakatan shadow budget," he said.

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