Sunday, January 22, 2012

BN is not forever, nor is Mahathirism: Malaysia already a worldwide joke

BN is not forever, nor is Mahathirism: Malaysia already a worldwide joke
This past decade has seen Malaysian politics boil and simmer, simmer and boil again. All these are puncturing too many holes in the armour of our economy while steadily shredding at the seams of our social cohesion.
For how long will we continue to be battered by the politicians who are hell bent in their determination to hold on to power is even beyond the soothsayers prediction.
But as long as BN politicians are determined and resolute to remain in power at all costs – even at the expense of democratic principles, then this nation will only sink deeper into the gutters of a failed nation status.
“Tak tahu lah apa sudah jadi sekarang…”
Looking at the daily unfolding of political drama after drama, it is everyone’s best bet that the rakyat are increasingly getting fed up. Like in all nations across the globe, perhaps our youth will when tested to the limits someday soon, burst the seams of social order.
Is this what the BN is waiting and plotting for?
Not only are we the citizens worried about the looming global financial crisis, but even trying to grapple with the runaway cost of living is already a nightmare.
Civil servants are also scoffing at all the political rubbish piling up. Same too goes to our men and women in blue. Talk to them over a cup of teh tarik and they will not shy from telling you “tak’tahu lah apa sudah jadi sekarang…”
Bankrupt leadership the cause
Whichever camp you belong to, let us face the fact: By virtue of the fact that BN has been in command of the nation’s political governance all these decades since independence, it must take absolute responsibility for the current state of crisis waiting to explode.
What BN is contributing and experiencing speaks volumes about a a bankrupt leadership. And one need not be a management guru or leadership expert to decipher this, really.
BN should not blame the rakyat or the opposition camp for the state of mismananged politics and bad governance thta BN is being labelled with. If only BN had led wisely, the opposition would not be a threat; if only BN politicians had not succumed to greed and corruption, BN would not have the rakyat abandoning them.
BN, you got it?
Respect the people's wishes
If truly BN loves this nation and believes in God, King and Citizens, then it should immediately disband parliament, call for democratic elections and let the people decide who and what they want.
And if people choose BN again, then walk in and get on with the business entrusted. If they lose, then pack and leave peacefully with a resolute will to be more transformed to the liking of the electorate by the next general elections.
BN must stop all these political scheming, talking down to the populace, dishing out threats, continuing to wallow in corruption and scaffolding individuals in their camp who have been alleged to have amassed illicit wealth, testing the justice system of the nation, and what not.
Already the longest serving prime minister has failed the citizens miserably. Instead of using his track record, power and influence to show the erring politicians the way forward, he has today become the ridicule of the entire nation. Even senior journalists in neighboring countries have not sparred their ink on the Tun Dr M. Why?
Malaysia already a worldwide joke
For those of us who travel in and out of the country, we have first-hand experience of how many citizens in other countries are beginning to look at Malaysia with greater suspicion.
It could be far worse with potential investors though. In fact even newspapers in other countries are beginning to identify the serious state of political affairs in the country.
If there is any word that can best describe our current situation, it is this: We are in a mess.
J. D. Lovrenciear reads Malaysia Chronicle

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