Sunday, January 22, 2012

BR1Mming with mixed feelings

As the results of the applications for BR1M (Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia) were known by batches, there were expressions of joy from those who were successful, as well as discontent from those who were rejected. Instead of making people happy, it is creating resentment among friends. One even commented that he would take pictures of those who own big detached houses and luxury cars, yet successful, while his was turned down, even though both husband and wife are pensioners. The most common complaint was not knowing whether pension is treated as income, because some combined pensions exceed Rm3,000 per month. For those rejected, some were wondering if it had anything to do with past incomes which exceeded the threshold. What about ownership of properties and shares of public listed companies which earn rental incomes and dividends? Again, we cannot prevent some who complained whether it had anything to do with political affiliation!

I cannot help comparing the unfairness of some who do not deserve, yet getting the Rm500, with those who were eligible before, when government paid Rm625 each to car owners who owned expensive Mercedes, BMW or Audi, just because the engine capacities were below 2,000 cc!

Someone has commented that such distributions of cash periodically are like 'giving out fish instead of teaching them how to fish'. Rm500 could mean a month's wage to some, or a few days of food expenses to others. A pensioner joked that he actually saw a group who got their money at the local 4-D shop, punting for more windfalls! - KoSong

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