Friday, January 20, 2012

Dirty piped water after 5 decades of BN rule

Dirty piped water after 5 decades of BN rule
Who do we blame for the dirty and brownish piped water that flows into our homes these days? The rakyat or their Creator? Please let sanity prevail.
The BN led government has been parading for far too long, paddling to the rakyat that we should thank the BN leadership for all the good things they the political masters have determined for us. Fine maybe, but what about the murky waters that started flowing into our homes after five decades of seeming BN-styled development?
Mahathir gimmicks
There was a time in the sixties when the nation was proud to announce that more and more citizens were able to drink direct from taps. Yes, we had crystal clear water gushing from taps that slowly but steadily got piped across length and breath of the country. That was development.
Then with all the privatization grandiose plans under the Tun Doctor came a twin package of gimmicks. We had to install water filters in the kitchen sink if we wanted to make the piped water drinkable.
The tiny filters soon proved ineffective as the sedimentation was just too heavy a load to bear. So households – especially the wealthier ones including all VVIPs and ministers too to boot, had king-sized filtration devices installed next to their metered inlets in the frontage of their spanking homes.
Meanwhile, the humbler folks had given up on their kitchen filters, and just settled for boiled, brownish or even milky water for their daily consumption while their laundry slowly turned brown over time as people continued to wash their clothes with the perenially colored piped water.
Expensive gadgets, what about the poor
And today, after thirty years of development under the BN flag, the country cannot have clean piped water without installing expensive gadgets at their own expense. And mind you, millions of the rakyat have been paying for the dirty piped water for a long time settling their monthly water bills. Remember?
Now who should take the blame for not being able to provide the rakyat with clean, untainted piped water? Or are the rakyat just a spoiled lot and should be severely reprimanded for demanding too much of luxury?
Or maybe the rakyat will be told off that we are lucky to get piped water – never mind if it is murky; there are millions who still drink from tubers and cusp from geysers or have to dip deep into stone wells on this planet.
Perhaps we should let the BN leaders themselves explain this mystery of Malaysia’s piped water supply. No? Then who can if not BN the sole guardian of the nation’s destiny these past five decades?
J. D. Lovrenciear reads Malaysia Chronicle

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