Sunday, January 22, 2012

Raffles Class for holiday

This year’s Chinese New Year celebrations is almost a whole week long affair, especially when one takes Wednesday to Friday off. Schools are even out for the whole week.
Many takes this nine-days or so break for an opportunity to go for a holiday. As of press time, North South Highway has been congested.
Singapore Airlines Business Class on B777-200s
Seen at Changi International Airport a man who resembles like Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who boarded a flight to Italy. He flew in Singapore Airlines business class with a party which could easily pass of as a family unit.
It is also said this trip and the stay at a 5 star accommodation, is being paid by a Tan Sri. Rumour has it he is in the gaming business.
Of course, this has yet to be confirmed. Sources believed to be persons known to the spitting image of the DAP Secretary General leaked the information out.
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng taking a flight on economy class from Penang to KL
If any of this is true, then it is ashamed for people of Penang that their elected leader goes on holiday or business trip with persons believed to be his immediate family in a carrier not the national airlines, but instead a regional competitor. Why he did not insist to support Malaysia Airlines is not too clear, even if the trip is plaid by someone else. The choice of airline for this trip very much defies that all of these bollocks PR exercises that “He flies economy class” were just a smoke screen, to depict his DAP led Penang State Government is cost conscious and thrifty.
Anyway, we would like to wish this Lim-look-alike happy holidays.

- bigdogdotcom

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