Friday, January 20, 2012

Soi Lek:Chinese owe prosperity to BN leadership

January 20, 2012
Dr Chua said BN’s “proper policies” provided the foundation for the community’s success. — File pic
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 20 — Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek called on Chinese voters not to “experiment” in the next general elections as Barisan Nasional’s (BN) leadership has allowed the community to prosper.
The MCA president said in his Chinese New Year address today that “with the harsh realities of a more trying economy confronting us, this is the time that we must consolidate rather than experiment.”
“It goes without saying that that Chinese businessmen had done well in Malaysia because the country is led by capable and tested leaders who have proven they could deliver,” the former health minister said.
He cited Malaysia’s ranking as the world’s 10th most attractive foreign investment destination last year, up from 21st previously, as the result of “sheer hard work and having proper policies in place.”
“Demonstrations and public disorder will not bring economic glory or benefit to the people. On the contrary, it will send the wrong signals to foreign investors.
“The people, especially the Chinese should not attempt to do the balancing act to have [checks and balances in the] government. In their haste, they make end up with the wrong government of their choice,” he said.

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