Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Survey puts Pakatan 5pct behind BN for Putrajaya

Pakatan Rakyat stands just five percent behind the BN for popular votes in an election in a very recent face-to-face survey conducted in the peninsula. 

The survey of 1,409 respondents conducted between Dec 26 and Jan 11 by the Universiti Malaya Centre for Democracy and Elections (Umcedel) gives the BN 42 percent chances of retaining Putrajaya, while Pakatan received 37 percent, with 21 per cent undecided.

And, despite Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's popularity, touching only at 54 percent as reflected in the independent survey, the conclusion of the people was that Universiti Malaya Centre for Democracy and Elections BN would retain Putrajaya.

"However, the longer the BN keeps holding back the election, the more detrimental it will be to the ruling coalition," Umcedel's Prof Mohd Redzuan Othman said today.

"There are the 21 percent who remained undecided in the survey. They are indecisive as to who will take Putrajaya and this will remain the battleground. 

"However, we know the inclinations, but we cannot not reveal them here," Mohd Redzuan said

[More to follow]

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