Saturday, August 31, 2013

Cops admit VIPs may be involved in gangs

Police have admitted that VIPs could possibly be involved in the gangs revealed by the home ministry on Wednesday.
Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Bakri Mohd Zinin said while this could be true, a proper verification is needed by the ministry.
“The ministry is constantly updating the list.
“Criminals arrested during the operations will still be punished to the full extent of existing laws here in the state, regardless of the absence of the Prevention of Crime Act 1959 in Sarawak,” The Star quoted him as saying in Kuching yesterday.
Police had earlier identified several gangs which were working for political parties during the general election. They allegedly went around threatening party supporters and the public to vote for certain candidates.
Bakri, who was Federal Criminal Investigation Department chief at the time, had then said that a task force had been formed to monitor general election-related crimes, especially gangsterism.

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