Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Klang MP: Cops escorted foreign looking voters

Starting today for five days, the tribunal initiated by Bersih will examine facts and evidence to evaluate if violations were committed during the 13 th General Election.
SUBANG JAYA: Police officers were allegedly involved in bringing out foreigners from polling stations, said Klang Member of Parliament Charles Santiago, the first witness testifying in The Peoples Tribunal.
The ‘officers’ wearing police vests were seen accompanying two foreign looking individuals at a polling center in Klang during the polling day.
“Police officers were escorting two Indonesian men out of Sekolah Teknik Klang while a crowd of people were trying to stop them,”
However it is not certain if the two foreign looking men manage to cast their vote that day.
In addition, Charles added that on the same day, Klangites stopped a bus in Pandamaran, but police intervened and escorted it to one of the police stations in Klang.
“18 people were on board the bus; a huge crowd gathered outside the police station demanding to know if they had voted.”
“There was suspicion that this bus was ferrying phantom voters.”
“We took pictures of all the 18. There was one migrant worker who had ink on his index finger,” Charles added.
The People’s Tribunal on the 13th general election started this morning with Klang MP Charles Santiago from DAP as the first witness.
The Tribunal will examine if acts that were committed in relation to the election until polling day on May 5 have violated the rule of law and international standards and norms governing the conduct of elections; including the UN Human Rights Standards Regarding Election and the Declaration on the Criteria for Free and Fair Elections by the Council of the Inter Parliamentary Union.
The members of the Tribunal consist of five respected individuals both from overseas and Malaysia.
It is headed by Professor Yash Pal Ghai the former head of the Constitution Advisory Support Unit of the UN Development Program in Nepal and the Special representative of the UN Secretary General in Cambodia on human rights.
The Tribunal is organized by Bersih 2.0 and will commence its five-day proceedings starting Wednesday, to Sunday, Sept 22.

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