Wednesday, September 18, 2013

NAJIB NOW MORE HATED THAN DR M! When a leader for all fails to consider the welfare of all

NAJIB NOW MORE HATED THAN DR M! When a leader for all fails to consider the welfare of all
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced that the government will empower Bumiputeras' economy through five major measures and said that it is a move to thank Bumiputeras for supporting the BN in the May 5 General Election. The five major measures covers a wide range of scope and mobilises billions of ringgit, meaning that in terms of education, business and entrepreneurial opportunity, property ownership, corporate ownership and other fields, Bumiputeras are going to receive more favourable incentives and assistance.
After the Umno party election was kicked off on 7 September, the government announced the series of measures to empower the economy of Bumiputeras. It might be described as a common practice on the eve of the party election. However, politicians should not consider only for a particular group and affect the country's overall economic development just to win over party members' support and consolidate position in the party.
We believe that encouraging Bumiputeras' participation in national economic development programmes could enhance their economy, reduce the wealth gap and play a role in improving racial unity and social peace. It has also been the government's persevering goal over the past few decades. And the government's preferential policies to Bumiputeras over the years have achieved remarkable results. The average monthly household income of Bumiputeras last year had soared from RM172 in 1970 to RM4,457 and poor family rate had also dropped from 64.8% in 1970 to 2.2%. Instead of moderately letting go the helping hand so that Bumiputeras can strengthen their competitiveness and self-reliant ability, the government is going to provide more preferential policies instead. Obviously, it is a shocking move contrary to the trend of globalisation and openness.
Betraying the minorities
When Najib took over the office as the Prime Minister on 3 April 2009, he introduced the "1Malaysia" concept and replaced the New Economic Policy (NEP) with the New Economic Model (NEM), bringing the people unprecedented hope. Najib has also repeatedly assured the people that he will be a Prime Minister for all Malaysians who cares not about skin colour, religious and political ideological differences. According to the ideology of a Prime Minister for all, even if the government wishes to introduce an assistance policy, it must take all citizens into consideration, instead of taking care only the interests of a particular racial group. There are also poor and vulnerable groups in the Chinese and Indian communities who are waiting for government's assistance.
Similarly, coming out with a series of preferential measures for Bumiputeras as a return for supporting the BN is also not a policy that should be implemented by a government for all. When we mention about "return", Chinese voters had also greatly supported the BN in the 1995, 1999 and 2004 general elections. Particularly in 1999, the economic recession caused by the financial crisis and the unfavourable factors brought by the Anwar incident had set off a strong anti-ruling wind in the Malay community, causing Umno to suffer a great setback in the general election. The number of its parliamentary seats was reduced from 94 to 72 seats and many Malay ministers were defeated. At that time, BN was saved by Chinese votes and what kind of return had the Chinese community received from the government?
The election results actually reflected the people's message of rejecting racial politics. It is a disappointment that the government actually views the issue in a biased perspective and continues leading the people to go backward.


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