Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Abdullah urges new cabinet to “act fast” on issues

He says leaving issues unresolved for too long will invite more problems.
BANGI :Former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi hoped the new Cabinet would act quickly in resolving relevant current issues.
“Leaving issues unresolved for too long will invite more problems. Fast action is needed,” he said when asked to comment on the new cabinet line-up. Abdullah said the line-up should be allowed to implement its plans unhindered.
“It is not an easy task but I hope they will work earnestly to make it a success,” he told reporters after launching the National Islamic Economics and Finance Conference 2015 here today.
Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak reshuffled his cabinet yesterday,dropping Muhyiddin Yassin as his deputy and replacing him with Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
Najib also named seven new ministers, dropped five of the old guard and shuffled some of the portfolios.On the timing of the reshuffle and ongoing investigations into 1 Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB), Abdullah said it was best not to jump to conclusions.
“Give them (cabinet) a chance to sort it out. If they cannot..then that would be a problem,” he said.On Muhyiddin’s expulsion from the cabinet, he said it was the prime minister’s prerogative.
“He must have a reason to do that,” he said. On Zahid’s appointment, he said, “Give him a chance”.On Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail’s termination as Attorney- General, Abdullah said it was “quite unexpected”.
Chief Secretary to the Government, Ali Hamsa said in a statement yesterday that Gani’s services as attorney- general were terminated on July 27 for health reasons.

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