Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Cameron To Suffer Serious Amnesia In Kuala Lumpur.

I think they will be breaking out the halal grape juice for British PM David Cameron. Cameron is swinging through the region and will be stopping by in KL. 

Folks say that Cameron ABSOLUTELY HAS to come to KL because he has to sell jetplanes to the RMAF.  I think its those Eurofighters.  The Eurofighter guys have already bought him lunch.

If he is successful the Brit High Commission here will break out the non halal grape juice to celebrate as well.  We all need an excuse to party.

The British doctor in Cameron's entourage will also be giving the British PM a quick overdose of  amnesia inducing pills.

This is because David Cameron has to quickly forget what he has been saying in Singapore and other Asean capitals he has been visiting.

Here are some screenshots of what Cameron has been saying :


No place for money laundering and dirty money? 

Yo Mr Cameron, have you heard of the Cayman Islands? Or the British Virgin Islands? Yup, thats British territory too.  

You set up these islands so that all the dirty money is "disinfected" and kept away from downtown London but still "safe" inside British Territory.


Err Mr Cameron, I have it on very reliable report that one "foreign leader" who you will be shaking hands with soon has bought a 25 MILLION Pound Sterling home in London. I believe London is in England - that is your country.

Knowing how stupid this guy has been, he may have bought the house using his own name. Or he may have had a vision and used a proxy.  Your  Foreign Ministry boys and most certainly your GCHQ boys will know of this as well. 

But I suppose you need to be flexible with your principles. Otherwise how are you going to sell your Austins?


Well please do not embarass your hosts by asking them about the recent fate of the Deputy Prime Minister or the Attorney General. 

One of them raised questions  about a massive corruption scandal while the other was heading an investigation into the same corruption scandal. Both of them were fired from their jobs just yesterday.  

Mr Cameron do you have any industrial strength disinfectant with you?  If you dont you can get some at  AA Pharmacy. Its a popular pharmacy.   Because after shaking hands with all the people whose hands are soiled filthy you will need industrial strength disinfectant.  Otherwise when you get home the Mrs may ask probing questions.

Other than that do not be fooled by the warm sunshine. There is quite a storm brewing.  Your MI6 boys may have briefed you thoroughly on this one. They always have a head start in these type of things.

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