Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Depa akan tumbang...

Just now I was buying our super favorite 'kari kambing lunch'. I asked the warong guy 'Bang, TPM dah kena buang, apa reaksi bang?

Without any hesitation the guy said, 'Depa akan tumbang bang. Main-mainkah pi kacau periuk nasi orang. Orang yang tak bersalah pula kena buang.

And the guy was clearly angry.

So  Dato Sri Najib, Dato Zahid Hamidi and the other clowns yang tak tahu berlakon pun, ini saya nak tanya sikit. 

Agaknya berapa lama hangpa semua boleh kekal? 

Agaknya berapa lama lagi hangpa semua boleh bertahan? 

Sekarang hangpa semua sudah masukkan diri dalam lubuk yang lebih merbahaya - kebencian rakyat. The people really hate you. You have brought this upon your own heads.

As another example, dengar sini luahan Ummi Hafilda. Ummi Hafilda bukan pemegang jawatan dalam parti. Tetapi luahan Ummi Hafilda adalah genuine, 100% mencerminkan perasaan majoriti besar rakyat negara.

I think the whole country agrees with Ummi Hafilda today.  To me the most pertinent point made by Ummi is her last statement. 

She asks 'If even the Deputy President of UMNO gets kicked out just for questioning and seeking clarification over issues then what about us, the ordinary people of the country?'

Ummi should know because she was once arrested by the Police acting under the orders of Anwar Ibrahim, locked in a room, tortured and forced to sign a confession
retracting some accusations she had made against Anwar Ibrahim.  

For this corrupt abuse of power, Anwar Ibrahim was sentenced to six years imprisonment. 

It is obvious now that all the claims of 'rakyat didahulukan',  'transparency', gomen transformation program etc are just hogwash.  
  • When the Deputy Prime Minister can be summarily dismissed
  • when the Attorney General who is sitting over an investigation where the Prime Minister is implicated can also be summarily dismissed 
then what chance is there for the ordinary citizen like you and me to say anything that he does not agree with? 

And they call this democracy?  
They call this transparency? 
Here is something someone else sent me. This is an eulogy, if you ask me, for UMNO. Written by one Syed Saddiq via Facebook.  Again it appears heartfelt. Straight from the heart :

Salam YB DS Najib Razak,
I am a Malaysian whose Parents & grandparents have been hardcore Fans of UMNO.
I was brought up in an UMNO household,
I was educated with UMNO's philosophies,
I was taught to always empathise with the struggles of UMNO.
There's a saying that,
"Kami sudah sebati dengan UMNO, Darah daging UMNO"
However at this rate, I can no longer say that.
You've lost my support.
I am truly infuriated with what has transpired. 
 I am quite confident that I am not alone in this matter.
I am not infuriated because our DPM is a Johorean,
nor is it because he's been vocal on issues which I find close to my heart.
It's an injustice committed in broad daylight when a dissenter is silenced.
A dissenter who's given the mandate to forward the truth,
A dissenter who owes a moral obligation to the Rakyat to speak out on their behalf,
A dissenter who dissents in the wake of an unprecedented National crisis.
This dissenter did not cause the gov to suffer a trust deficit,
This dissenter did not engulf the gov in a multi-billion dollar scandal,
This dissenter is not being probed by multiple bodies for multiple allegations of corruption,
This dissenter just dissented yet he's the one who got booted out.

I am not a person who wields the hammer of power.
I am merely a member of the rakyat who genuinely (from the bottom of my heart) loves my Country.

It kills me to see the hammer of power being used against a dissenting voice.
I am a dissenter.
If someone as prominent & influential as the DPM can be silenced,
will I be silenced to?
My country is my world.
Call that indoctrination,
call that irrational,
I genuinely do not care.
What i do care is the fact that you're destroying my world.
My beloved world.
I weep,
Malaysia Weeps,
You should as well.
A concerned Malaysian.

Just like Ummi Hafilda, this lament is a genuine feeling of disgust. 

For those of you PMO boys who do not understand English very well, it means you are the ones who are disgusting.

The moron's Facebook page has also been inundated with tens of thousands of negative comments. Here are some of them:

Here are some other viral stuffs

This is a caricature ok. Nothing seditious. Jangan jadi konpius.

Firing the Deputy Prime Minister who simply criticised him,
firing the Attorney General who is investigating him
are very wrong moves.  They will pay a very heavy price for this.

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