Sunday, July 12, 2015

Grade A cleanliness for all Putrajaya eateries

Move by city corporation to lift federal administrative centre's reputation
PUTRAJAYA: The Putrajaya Corporation has set a target to ensure all food premises in the Federal Government’s administrative centre achieve Grade A cleanliness rating by end of next year.
Its commercial director, Shamshul Joehari Zainal Mokhtar, said the move was to improve Putrajaya’s image as a clean and safe region.
He said efforts towards that end started last year involving 350 food premises. As of May this year, he said PJC had carried out checks at 233 premises, and 114 were given the Grade A rating.
A total of 104 premises were categorised under Grade B, while the remaining, with Grade C, were ordered to be closed for cleaning and re-evaluation.
Shamshul Joehari said the corporation would hold a meeting with food operators and owners of food premises in Putrajaya after the Aidilfitri holidays to get their cooperation to ensure cleanliness of their premises.
“They should accept the move by PJC well because by assuring the cleanliness of their premises, more people will want to patronise their premises,” he added.

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