Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Group warns of constitutional crisis

The Attorney- General's dismissal violates the Federal Constitution, says an association of Malaysian residents in Australia.
PETALING JAYA: An association of Malaysians residing in Australia has warned of a constitutional crisis resulting from what it says was the “unlawful” dismissal of Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail.
In a press statement issued today, Malaysian Progressives in Australia (MPOZ) said Gani’s sacking violated Article 145 (6) of the Federal Constitution, which states that the Attorney-General “shall not be removed from office except on the like grounds and in the like manner as a judge of the Federal Court.”
MPOZ said it supported the contention that the AG could be removed only through a tribunal appointed by the King and his dismissal could only be “for breach of code of ethics, inability, infirmity of body or mind or any other cause” that would affect the proper discharge of his duties.
“We can conclude that the Prime Minister has no discretion to remove the Attorney- General, much less while the AG leads the 1MDB special task force,” it said.
MPOZ said it was “especially concerned” that four of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) members had been taken out of the committee in the midst of its inquiry into the 1MDB affair.
It noted that the move had resulted in a halt of the 1MDB hearings. It said it found it “unreasonable” that the investigation was “abruptly paused indefinitely.”
MPOZ also condemned Prime Minister Najib Razak’s “sudden” move to reshuffle his cabinet, saying it was “highly unreasonable.” It said Najib should have consulted the public in advance and explained why the reshuffle was necessary.
It said it would be in “full solidarity” with any political party or civil society that would “genuinely attempt to solve this issue as it takes its course.”
MPOZ also announced its plan to introduce a fortnightly session in major Australian cities where Malaysians could gather to discuss current issues in Malaysia.

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