Monday, July 13, 2015

How can a ‘housewife’ earn RM2m in cash?

YOURSAY ‘Was it a special bonus from I&P? And was it declared in tax return?’
Law firm confirms Rosmah's bank account
Fairplayer: This personal account of PM’s wife’s Rosmah Mansor ought to be frozen along with the other six accounts by the 1MDB special task force.
The fact that she has RM2 million pumped into her account is cause for concern, especially when she is a "non-working housewife" as claimed by her when she talked about the implementation of GST (Goods and Services Tax) earlier on, about how her hairdo cost RM1,200, and that "GST is good for non-working housewives" like her.
The rest of the housewives who work their butts out have to pay GST even though many earn less than RM1,200 per month, and she had the cheek to justify GST for herself and non-working housewives like her.
And how did she "earn" that RM2 million? IGP (inspector-general of police), over to you.
Homesick: Rosmah's law firm wanted Bank Negara to probe the leak and that action be taken against the culprit.
We, the rakyat, want Bank Negara to probe where this RM2 million came from and action be taken against the account holder.
We want to know if it is 'dirty' money and whether any tax has been paid, as well as a bucket load of other questions.
Donplaypuks: Who cares if she worked for I&P in 1984. The RM2 million was deposited between February and April 2015.
Where did she get the money from and what did she use it for? How come Bank Negara and the Income Tax Department did not haul her up for questioning?
How could a person who has no full-time job get RM2 million? And why did Najib's aide Roslan Sohari deny knowing Rosmah and the PM when it was he who allegedly deposited the RM2 million into Rosmah's account?
Why did Roslan close his Facebook page if he has not done anything wrong? Please don’t hide behind Bafia (Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989).
Anonymous 759201436321741: The fact is that RM2 million had recently been credited into her account.
Your client needs not answer if you think there is nothing to answer. But what about a possible audit by the tax authority?
0berserver: This is like watching ‘The Titanic’ all over again, except that it is Umno politics that is sinking to the bottom.
It's sweet to see the orchestra of Umno bloggers playing hard in complete ignorance, but they too know they are going down whilst Najib and Rosmah plan to snatch a rescue boat for themselves, leaving behind ordinary Malaysians.
Eighty years from now, perhaps Umno Baru will be found somewhere at the bottom of the ocean and people will wonder how such arrogance and dumbness could have grown to proportions that would sink the unsinkable ship.
Perhaps this will make one Umno astroturfer think about what on Earth he is doing defending the indefensible. Even you guys are paid pittance for the money that the PM and FLOM (First Lady of Malaysia) have.
Justine Gow: Rosmah is no ordinary Malaysian. She is FLOM. As such, Malaysians have the right to know whether the allegation that RM2 million was deposited into her account is true or not, and if there is any impropriety in having the alleged sum of money.
It is irrelevant whether the money came from 1MDB or not. If the allegation is not true, Rosmah should deny it and sue Sarawak Report.
GI Joe: At first, I don't really quite understand how this Financial Services Act could benefit normal people but now I can see that it is used to protect those allegedly doing illegal money transactions and money laundering.
Lone_star: Why is everyone getting worked up? It is natural for some who had worked in I&P to have a bank account.
And having worked all these years, anyone would have some money in the account. Don't you all know that it just takes a drop of water to eventually fill an ocean?
Remembered once she did some good deed and was richly rewarded.
Justice Pao: We are not interested in knowing that it is her account but what she has done to get RM2 million cash deposited into her personal account, especially when she said she is 'unemployed'.
Yahoo: Legal businesses would use checks or bank transfers, thereby revealing the depositor and the source.
Hard cash by the hundreds of thousands deposited into her account within two to three months requires an explanation.
Straight Talk Joe 51: It's never an offence to have a bank account no matter how long it has been established, it's the source of deposit that needs to be clarified.
Was the RM2 million being special bonus from I&P? Did she declare it in her tax return? -Mkini

1 comment:

  1. "How can a ‘housewife’ earn RM2m in cash?"

    Just to share this...

    You be the judge.


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